If I stop drinking pop will I lose weight

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Any time you burn more calories than you take in you will lose weight. It is possible to lose weight by stopping drinking pop. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-i-stop-drinking-pop-will-i-lose-weight ]
More Answers to “If I stop drinking pop will I lose weight
How much weight will I lose if I stop drinking pop?
As long as you don’t replace it with another unhealthy habit, it’s one of the best things you can do for your weight loss program. In other words, don’t start drinking 2 liters of sweetened raspberry iced tea thinking that’s going to be any…
Will i lose weight if I stop drinking pop?
I had a guy friend who cut out pop without changing anything else about his diet and lost 20 lbs. Mind you he had some weight to lose, but it is proof that it works for some. Maybe substitute pop with something with more of a health benefit…
How much weight can i lose if i stop drinking pop and just drink …?
1 pound = 3500 calories. If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. ie, if you eat 2000 calories per day and burn 2500, you will lose 1 pound every week. the average person burns 1500-2000 calories per day, just being ali…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If you stop drinking pop will you lose weight?
Q: I drink about 3 to 4 cans of pop average every day. If I stop drinking pop will this help me lose weight. I just have the problem in my stomach area is where I gained alot of weight and trying to lose it by exercising a little and drinking water, just wondering if pop would help lose a couple lbs and about how much?Pepsi 150 Calories 12 oz can or Rc I think its 160 Calories or something like that 12 oz can.How much weight did you lose and how long did it take to lose that weight after you stopped drinking pop>I am not over weight but since I been eatting alot of junk food and drinking pop I gained alot of weight back, I got sick alot a year and half ago from the hot summer and got down to 130 lbs, and then gained alot of weight back in the last year and half I weight about 150 lbs my height is 5’8, only thing I am worrying about is my stomach, thats where you can tell where I gained the weight!!!
A: Yes, along with exercise and watching other sources of calories, cutting down on soda will help you lose weight. In fact, this is one of the things that is typically recommended to be cut out of a diet first. It may seem difficult at first, especially if your body is used to having the regular source of caffeine. However, you must be consistent and will come easier with time.If nothing else, you should at least switch to diet soda (ie. zero calories). However, some studies have shown that people who drink diet soda may be at a greater risk of binge eating due to the body’s inability to use the artificial sweeteners for energy. Thus, when you drink a diet soda, the body thinks it’s about to get a big boost of sugar. However, when it can’t use the artificial sweetener as it would regular sugar, it can lead to hunger pains in some people and cause increased urge to eat.Therefore, in the long run, cutting out all soda would be best. Switching to water would be great for your body and will make you feel good in general. Good luck, it’s not an easy thing to do!
Will i lose weight if I stop drinking pop?
Q: Im 15 and about 5,4 and weigh 124 pounds. I usually drink one or maybe 2 pops a day and sometimes Arizona’s. I don’t eat very well but at the same time i barely eat except for lunch and dinner and random snacks in between. If i just drink water and green tea, and run on the treadmill for 30 minutes about 4 days a week, will I lose weight?
A: I had a guy friend who cut out pop without changing anything else about his diet and lost 20 lbs. Mind you he had some weight to lose, but it is proof that it works for some. Maybe substitute pop with something with more of a health benefit. Drinking water is great but nobody likes it every drink of every day. I am a big fan of diet green tea, great for antioxidents. Also watch sugar content (carbohydrates on the label) as it can really mess with a diet. You need carbs but stay away from loaded sugar drinks. Just switching to diet pop can help.Try adding flax seed to some of your foods, and the Omega oils. Also try switching to light soy milk.
How much weight will I lose if I stop drinking pop?
Q: I drink 2 litters of full sugar (non-diet) pop every day and I dont excercise at all. I’m 34, 6’4″ tall and 325 pounds with a big belly.How much weight do you think I will lose if I go “cold turkey” and completely stop drinking pop?
A: well, i stopped drinking pop, i almost lost 10lbs in less than 6mos. but i drink a sprite or 7up occasionally, but if you quit cold turkey, you should loose alot of weight, plus drinking lots of pop is bad for your teeth too according the dentist. it messes up the enamel on your teeth. if you want the caffine, do iced tea with splenda or equal.
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