What are b6 vitamins

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Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is required for the synthesis of the neurotransmitters serotonin & norepinephrine & for myelin formation. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-b6-vitamins ]
More Answers to “What are b6 vitamins
What is vitamin B6?
First researched in the mid-1930’s, vitamin B6 is one of the best-studied of all B vitamins and has one of the greatest varieties of chemical forms. The forms of this vitamin all begin with the letters “pyr,” and include pyridoxin…
What is vitamin B6 good for?
I don’t know if it will help hair grow or not but it is good for tendon health, especially Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Be careful though, if you start taking it, because the body has trouble breaking it down and can make toxins if excess B6 is …
Why You Need Vitamin B6
There have been studies showing that low blood levels of B6 affect synovial fluid health, and may increase pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers now believe that low B6 levels are a result of inflammation, meaning that a j…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do a Person get Dificiency in Vitamins B6 or B12?
Q: When a Person start to take High Vitamins B6 or B12, slowly symtom like weakness in foot or pin and needle feeling in the body appear.IS this Dificiency?
A: Vitamin B12 deficiency is caused by either a dietary lack of B12, which is present in meats or second possibility is lack of a substance called intrinsic factor that is necessary for the body to absorb and use B12. Lack of IF and consequent B12 deficiency is known as pernicious anemia. You can also have B12 deficiency anemia because of inadequate intake through diet. B12 is important for nerve health. I’m not a doctor, but I suspect that taking a lot of B12 and B6 could require your body to need less intrinsic factor. So your body might downregulate its production. It doesn’t seem that likely that a person would develop a deficiency from taking too much, but I know that is the case with other diseases and medical conditions caused by steroid use. If artificially introduced testosterone gets injected into the body, the body does make less naturally. This is also why the male testis shrink (because they realize they are not needed because so much testosterone is present. Well, I’m not sure I answered your question, hopefully I told you something interesting. I think my explaination for the B12 deficiency is possible. Didn’t all the pro athletes accused of using anabolic steroids use the excuse that they thought they were receiving B12. Wow, thats coincidence. Totally unrelated, just a coincidence that my explanation included both. Take care.
How do I lengthen my luteal phase? Prenatal vitamins or vitamin B6?
Q: Hey guys I’m trying to lengthen my luteal phase. I’m taking prenatal vitamins. Is that ok since it has vitamin B6 and B12, or do I have to take vitamin B6 by itself or in additon to? Also, is this the only way to lengthen my luteal phase? From charting I found out I have 8-9 day luteal phase. Pls help TTC, any advice. Thanks!
A: Check the dose of B6 in your prenatal vitamin. It may only be around 2.5mgs which is the RDA. To lengthen the luteal phase you need to be taking around 60mgs per day, so you would have to take an additional tablet. You can also try progesterone cream, this is commonly used to lengthen the luteal phase, but is uneffective in some women.
what are the sources that a vegetarian can get vitamins B6 and B12?
Q: A vegetarian requires complete proteins and these 2 vitamins to supply a proper diet. What are the plant sources of these 2 vitamins, B6 and B12? One may also supply information on EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids).
A: The best vegetarian source of a complete protein are soy foods such as soybeans, soymilk, tofu, tempeh and miso.Plant sources of B6 are Brewer’s yeast, carrots, peas, spinach, sunflower seeds, walnuts, wheat germ, avocado, bananas, black beans, broccoli, brown rice, cabbage, cantaloupe, corn, potatoes, and rice bran. Plant sources of B12 include tempeh, sea vegetables such as dulse and kombu, Brewer’s yeast, and tofu. Essential fatty acids are the basic building blocks of which fats and oils are composed which are necessary for health and cannot be made by the body. They improve the skin and the hair, reduce blood pressure, aid in the prevention of arthritis, lower cholesterol levels, and reduce risk of blood clot formation. Vegetarian EFA sources include flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, grape seed oil, and primrose oil
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