What are good sources of potassium

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are good sources of potassium”,you can compare them.

Fish & other white meat, bananas, Apricots, Spinach, Raisins, Orange juice, Sweetpotato, Dry Beans, Peas, and Lentils Beans, More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-good-sources-of-potassium ]
More Answers to “What are good sources of potassium
Nancy Syracuse, N.Y. A: Potassium is a mineral that helps muscles and nerves work properly. This is especially important with the heart muscle. You can balance the potassium in your blood by choosing certain foods. Fruits and vegetables are…
Fruits and vegetables are good sources. Those with the most potassium (in mmol per 100g) include spinach (12.6) avocado (10.3), banana (9.0), pumpkin (8.0) and coconut water (8.0). Plantain, papaya, oranges, grapefruit, tomato juice, carrot…
I have answered a lot of these question in yahoo answers. Anyway, I have had low potassium levels before and I have to take potassium supplements and modify my diet as well. I have just taken the supplements for 5 days but my levels were no…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Which foods are particularly good sources of potassium ?
Q: I suffer from ‘restless leg syndrome’ and was told that potassium supplelments can help but may be unsafe, how could I get a good amount from foods ? PS. anything but bananas (I hate them).
A: Bana….. rubbish. Strawberries, mango’s – pretty much most fruit contains good amounts of potassium, and nuts. Most salad, and green vegetables contain good amounts as well. So tonight it will be steamed veg with a side salad washed down with a fruit smoothie with pistachio ice-cream to follow.
What are good sources of potassium?
Q: My husband found out yesterday from his doctor that he needs potassium in his diet. The doctor said he didn’t have enough in his system and if he doesn’t get enough he might die.
A: I have answered a lot of these question in yahoo answers. Anyway, I have had low potassium levels before and I have to take potassium supplements and modify my diet as well. I have just taken the supplements for 5 days but my levels were not back to normal. I made sure that I eat foods that are high in potassium.The following are foods with potassium:cantaloupeBananasOrangesApricotsAvocadoStrawberriesPotatoesTomatoesCucumberCabbageCauliflowerChardBell pepperEggplantSquashCrimini mushroomsBrussels sproutsTurmericParsleySpinachBroccoliTunaHalibut Aside from this, I also munch on raisins and peanuts in between meals. If your husband likes chocolate, he can have that too but not too much too.
What foods are good sources of potassium?
Q: I hate bananas
A: According to the American heart association, you can try the following things: Dried fruits: raisins, prunes, apricots, dates Fresh fruits: bananas, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges Fresh vegetables: beets, greens, spinach, peas, tomatoes, mushrooms Dried vegetables: beans, peas Fresh meats: turkey, fish, beef Fresh juices: orange Canned juices: grapefruit, prune, apricot Hope this helps!
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