What are the effects of chewing tobacco

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Addiction Drug Abuse Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the effects of chewing tobacco”,you can compare them.

Chewing tobacco effects: Cracked, bleeding lips & gums, receding gums, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, oral cancer. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-effects-of-chewing-tobacco ]
More Answers to “What are the effects of chewing tobacco
What are the side effects of chewing tobacco?
Side effects of chewing tobacco are stained teeth, bad breath, sores on the gums and in the mouth that are stubborn to heal and other dental problems. Some of the effects on dental health are escalated by the sugar that is added to the toba…
How long does it take before you start to notice the negative eff…?
I started getting mouth sores after dipping one tin over the span of a week. Usually after that I cut my intake. But I know some people who never get sores, and others who get sores after their first dip for 15 minutes. After a few tins I s…
What are the emotional effects of chewing tobacco?
The physical compents are what cause emotional components to your question. While the answer below is true, I would like to add that tobacco contains nicotine, which acts as both a stimulant and a depressant in the Central Nervous System. A…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take before you start to notice the negative effects of chewing tobacco?
Q: How long does it take before you start to notice the negative effects of chewing tobacco?
A: as soon as a girl is grossy repulsed by you.
what are the effects of chewing tobacco and what is considered “too much”?
Q: is there a certain amount of chewing tobacco that one can do before he/she puts him/herself in danger or is it no matter how much you do, you’ll always be in danger of the bad effects? Also what are the effects and dangers of chewing tobacco?
A: Skin cancer of the mouth, teeth staining and decay, and addiction to tobacco. Try “Orbit” -… “got a dirty mouth ?” “Clean it up !”
Does anyone know the effects of chewing tobacco and pregnancy?
Q: My doctor said he couldn’t imagine it would be any better than smoking except that it doesn’t breath into the lungs but there is no conclusive documentation on the effects.
A: Technically the baby doesnt breath air like you do it breaths what is in your blood. The smoke effects the baby because it goes into your blood stream and chewing tobacco is in fact worse because it put larger amounts of nicotine into the baby’s system cause the child to be born like addict. Colic is a major factor in nicotine use because the baby’s system didnt develope well enough because it was too busy fighting off the nicotine.
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