What calendar has 15 months

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A basic yerm calendar has a 3 “yerm” cycle of two 17 month and then one 15 month yerms/years. It’s accurate to an hour a century. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-calendar-has-15-months ]
More Answers to “What calendar has 15 months
What is the Julian calendar?
The Julian calendar was introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BC. In the Julian calendar, the tropical year is approximated as 365 1/4 days = 365.25 days. This gives an error of 1 day in approximately 128 years. The approximation 365 1/4 is ach…
Does the jewish calendar have fifteen months?
The Jewish calendar has 12 months. They are Tishre, Chesvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar, Nissan, Iyar, Sivan, Tamuz, Av, Elul. However, during a leap year, an extra month is added. So during a leap you you have Adar I and Adar II which giv…
Why is there a limit of 15 mission-related posts per player, per …?
This is simply to ensure that excessive posting doesn’t happen on the DM. If this happens, the other players assume wrongly that they have to keep up with this posting rate to remain within the game.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Which calendar had 15 months instead of today’s calendar with 12 months?
A: The year of 46 B.C.E (the only one I could find via google).
I am still breastfeeding my almost 15 month old son. Has anyone here gotten pregnant while breastfeeding?
Q: I would love to be pregnant right now. I did the “ovulation predicting calendar” that tracks your last three cycles and it said that my high fertility would be on December 8 and that I ovulate on the 13th. I had sex on the 6th 7th and the 9th… My cycles were a little irregular at first, but the last three have been fairly normal. What do you think the chances would be for me getting pregnant while still feeding my son about 2 to 3 times a day?
A: If you are having regular, ovulatory periods, you are fully fertile, and can get pregnant. (Your odds are about the same as any other fertile couple — about 25-30% chance per cycle.)
Is creating any month’s calendar from memory in 15 seconds between AD 1 and AD 3999 a world record?
A: well yeah, i think so, you should contact the Guinness people
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