What denatures a protein

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Denaturation of proteins involves the disruption and possible destruction of both the secondary and tertiary structures. (more?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-denatures-a-protein ]
More Answers to “What denatures a protein
What happens when a protein denatures?
its not a, the protein doesn’t lose its primary structure… and b is not entirely true, it only loses its teritary structure its not c, because sometimes (only in special circumstances), it can be reversed. so i’d say d =]
How denaturation occurs at levels of protein structure?
・ In quaternary structure denaturation, protein sub-units are dissociated and/or the spatial arrangement … ・ Covalent interactions between amino acid side chains (such as disulfide bridges between cysteine groups) … ・ Noncovalent di…
Why does a denatured protein no longer function normally?
The function of each protein is a consequence of its specific shape, which is lost when a protein denatures.

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A: good question…I have no idea either…
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A: It would eventually freeze. Actually, you can add a bit of glycerol (I think) to proteins, and then freeze them. Then later when you want to use the protein you can just defrost it and it works fine. It doesn’t seem to have an adverse affect, not like high temperatures.
For a bodybuilder, is the denatured protein needless?
Q: I’m curious to know if denatured protein has all it’s capabilities to rebuild new muscle tissue ? In other words, raw egg white or hard boiled egg white is better for rebuilding muscle tissue ? Some question for the meat.How should I cook the meat and/or eggs in order to preserve all it’s capabilities to rebuild new muscle tissue ?Thanks!
A: Wiki: “When a protein is denatured, the secondary and tertiary structures are altered but the peptide bonds between the amino acids are left intact. Since the structure of the protein determines its function, the protein can no longer perform its function once it has been denatured. This is in contrast to intrinsically unstructured proteins, which are unfolded in their native state, but still functionally active.”Apparently we all need to keep up with our whey protein!
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