What food is good for raising your metabolism

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Foods good for raising your metabolism include broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cabbage, grapefruit, fish, oatmeal and berries. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-food-is-good-for-raising-your-metabolism ]
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A: im not sure about metabolism,but berrys are full of antioxidents.
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A: you can’t tell if your metabolism has risen or not. it is a result of doing cardio exercise and weight training. weight training is more specifically responsible for long term metabolic speed because it the more muscle tissue you have the more calories you need to maintain it. muscle tissue is VERY active tissue and needs a lot of calories to simply to exist. the only way to test this is to go see a fitness professional and they will do go through the whole oxygen test. it takes a lot of equipment so you can’t do it at home. eating a lot of protein will raise your metabolism as well. this is because protein is very difficult to bread down and requires a lot of energy just to digest it. 1 gram per pound of body weight is ideal.
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A: Tony, I find the Broccoli raises the Metabolism and helps to lose weight as well … I lost 85 pounds by just eating green veggies along with alot of Broccoli. I had more energy and I never felt hungry. My Fiance lost 145 pounds by doing the same thing I was doing. Broccoli is just one of the many foods out there to speed up your Metabolism!!Cuddlez!!
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