What foods has the most protein in it

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What foods has the most protein in it”,you can compare them.

Meat like fish, beef, or chicken, eggs, dairy products, and nuts have the most protein in them of all foods. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-foods-has-the-most-protein-in-it ]
More Answers to “What foods has the most protein in it
Afood that has protien in it is the egg
The human body needs proteins for cell repair and the manufacturing of new cells. The body needs proteins for muscle growth. Children and adolescents need protein for healthy development, and…
as u have listed this in the ‘vegetarian and vegan’ category, I’ll stick to listing vegetarian foods : nuts beans pulses (like lentils) eggs are also a good source of protein, as long as u are not vegan.

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What food has the most Protein and other foods?
Q: ill eat any thing exept brussel sprouts and asparagus or any thing gross Thanks in advance and if not change your email setting so that I can email you and personally thank you! Kaytee
A: I enjoy peanuts in shell to get mydaily protein and I love peanut butter.The link below might help you too.Have a good day.
Is there a site that has a full and complete list of foods and how much protein per grams they have?
Q: I need to monitor how much protein i take daily because i am pregnant. Is there a site with a good list of a bunch of foods and their protein amounts? I found a few sites but some dont have the simplist of foods like potatoes etc
A: http://heartspring.net/list_of_high_protein_foods.htmlhttp://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/whattoeat/a/highproteinfood.htmhttp://www.new-fitness.com/nutrition/protein.htmllet me check!
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