What is the calories in pizza

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the calories in pizza”,you can compare them.

A cheese pizza has 230 calories per slice. Pepperoni pizza has 290 calories per slice. Call 1-800-2ChaCha for unlimited use. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-calories-in-pizza ]
More Answers to “What is the calories in pizza
How many calories in a slice of pizza?
If you’re stressing out: try going to this awesome website I found, calorieking.com it totally will help you. Just go on there, type in pizza(also add if you get it from pizza hut or something) and then it’ll help u with ur problem!
What are the calories of pepperoni pizza
This article is being rewritten for more clarity. We apologize for the trouble. Please use the left navigation to find something else. Have a look around! Entry Filed under: Uncategorized
Will blotting my pizza cut down on calories?
It won’t soak up all of the fat and calories in your lunch, but it can make a dent. “If you’re eating a medium slice of cheese pizza , swabbing it first with a napkin can remove up to 45 calories and 5 grams of fat,” says Farrell….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories in pizza slice without crust?
Q: Supposedly one slice of Pizza Hut’s Pizza Mia (pepperoni) is 210 calories. How many do you think just the cheese and pepperoni has?
A: about 185
How many calories would pizza have if you took off the toppings?
Q: I don’t eat cheese and so if I am at a party with pizza I frequently will scrape off the toppings and eat the bread and sauce. It’s weird, I know but I am just curious in an average slice (Pizza Hut or Round Table mostly) how many calories would be cut without the veggies, meat, cheese?
A: so just the dough? it would be like 100 calories
Calories in pizza without the actual breading?
Q: I tried to do research on this but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. If we were to take a standard large pizza slice and remove the toppings (cheese, the sauce and any additional toppings like veggies) how much would it be? Calories in toppings alone?
A: it all depends on how big the slice and where the pizza’s from. takeout pizzas (like papa johns, pizza hut, etc.) are usually huge slices and have loads of grease on top whereas most frozen pizza’s are smaller and have less grease.
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