What is the easiest way to lose inches off your waist

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You should eat 6 to 8 healthy, small meals a day, and exercise the abdominal muscles daily by doing crunches or sit ups. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-easiest-way-to-lose-inches-off-your-waist ]
More Answers to “What is the easiest way to lose inches off your waist
What is an easy way to lose inches off waist and thighs?
Diet (not a fad diet but a healthier diet) and exercise is the only way to get inches off safely and keep them off. The fast and easy ways are always short term and you are more likely to gain more weight back when you do gain it back. Thin…
What is the easiest way to lose weight in your waist, hips, &…?
You’ll make dramatic improvements in your worst trouble spots and most stubborn problem areas if you do simple, yet carefully structured, bodyweight exercises (no weights & no machines) which combine all three types of muscle movement: …

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A: Targetted weight reduction is quite difficult, many would say impossible, nevertheless the sole diet which clearly delivered for me was wu-yi tea, it can be checked out in the resource box underneath, they have a small number of free trials in stock, it has been reported in Fox News and CNN. I lost thrity pounds, it clearly does work!
The easiest way to lose weight off your waist?
Q: Okay. I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I’m proud of my measurements: 36C-35-47 but I wanna lose some inches off my waist. Any tips or ideas? How many situps I should do, some other ways, etc..
A: Walking has got to be the easiest way to trim off the fat. Walk quickly, build up a sweat, get your heartrate up. The link below is a very cool site, the activity calculator is awesome it tells you how many calories are burned for like 200 different activities for any amount of time you enter , activities include housework, walking, jogging , rowing, coal mining, sitting in your ofice, bicycling, dancing, painting, gardening, child care, ironing, firefighting, sitting in class and many many more. Target training your abdominals won’t be nearly as effective as a brisk walk everyday, with crunches and leg raises you will certainly tone your abs but you still wont see them because they will still be covered in fat. Walk walk walk its much easier than crunches or leg raises, when you trim the fat off then you can target train to tone them up(but I bet you wont need to). Please trust me on this. You wont need to walk many many miles, I live on an old radar base (pine tree line) and it takes me 16 minutes to do 1 lap around it. I sacrificed some TV time at night to get rest so I can get up earlier in the morning(6am) and go for 1 or 2 laps before breakfast(gonna make a commitment to do 4 laps in less than an hour every day) I have 2 kids whom I spend alot of time with so I have to “sacrifice” my own time at night to “invest” in my own health and longevity.Wear proper footwear and tie them up good, you dont want your feet to slide around in them or you will get blisters very quickly. Dont consume any sugar before during or after the walk or you will drastically reduce the effectiveness, you want to burn your bodyfat not the sugars in your food or drinks. DO NOT DRINK POWERADE or anything like that they are like 250 calories a bottle and have lots of sugar.Drink water.
What is an easy way to lose inches off waist and thighs?
A: Diet (not a fad diet but a healthier diet) and exercise is the only way to get inches off safely and keep them off. The fast and easy ways are always short term and you are more likely to gain more weight back when you do gain it back. Things like NutraSystem are great for short term but unless you want to buy their food for the rest of your life, isn’t practical at all. Just learn to eat better and exercise and the weight melts off. You have to learn not to eat anything you want as much as you want. All food isn’t bad for you as long as it’s in moderation. Never do a diet that you cut a certain food out of your diet (like no carb/low carb, atkins, south beach etc.)
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