What is the healthiest meal a person can eat and why

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Broiled salmon with tamari-orange marinade is one of the healthiest foods. It is full of omega-3s for your heart, mood, and skin. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-healthiest-meal-a-person-can-eat-and-why ]
More Answers to “What is the healthiest meal a person can eat and why
How many Ounces of meat should a healthy person eat in a meal??
A better comparison is a serving of meat the size of a deck of cards, or 1 medium chicken breast. 1 can of tuna is a serving. And no one should be telling you what you need, you need to calculate your IDEAL BODYWEIGHT and find out for yours…
How can a busy person with very little time eat healthy, inexpens…?
Try sparkpeople.com There are great meal tips and things there. Unfortunately, eating well the whole week takes preparation. I spend most of Sunday in the kitchen cooking chicken/turkey/ porkchops and portioning out veggies and snacks for l…

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How many Ounces of meat should a healthy person eat in a meal?
Q: In America bigger is better when it comes to consuming large amount of food. If you go to a resturant they also serve in large portion I weigh about 123 and I’m 21. But I was wondering in Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner how much meat could I consume in order to have enough protein in my body?
A: A better comparison is a serving of meat the size of a deck of cards, or 1 medium chicken breast. 1 can of tuna is a serving. And no one should be telling you what you need, you need to calculate your IDEAL BODYWEIGHT and find out for yourself. Age, gender, height, ideal bodyweight and how active you are, are all factors. Everyone is different, I’m 5’8″ 31 years old I need 296.7 grams of carbohydrates, 78.3 grams of fat, and 118.7 grams of protein per day for 2373.8 calories to maintain my weight of 150 pounds.(150 pounds is my ideal bodyweight, I’m actually heavier but im gettin there)So, I eat 20 grams of protein per meal(I eat 6 meals daily, one every 3 hours) I eat more salmon and tuna than I do chicken, for the healthy oils, the food guide I included recommends at least 2 servings of salmon per week.(my first meal of the day is usually higher in protein than my last, about 30 grams for breakfast and 12grams for bedtime snack to protect my muscles overnight)I was watching a program on TV once, about restaurants and the food, for a 25$ plate of food, the average restaurant was making like $1.25 in profit, so in order to attract customers, big servings, get them out of the chair and serve another big serving to someone else.(keeps em coming back)Just one thing, not all foods are created equal, 1 can of tuna has 32 grams of protein, 1 medium chicken breast has about 20 grams, 2 whole eggs has 14 grams of the best quality protein in nature(short of mother’s milk), 1 pork chop has 8 grams, a cup of milk has 8-9 grams, The Food Guide, read it and you will find that a serving is 2.5 oz(<<sorry had a typo here I was thinking of the 4oz someone else suggested, but its 2.5oz per serving), but like I said depending on what food you eat, you may not be getting enough protein. I eat alot of egg whites (cooked) 1 egg white has 3.6 grams of protein and is fat free and only 15 calories, all the fat and cholesterol is in the yolk.
How many meals a day should a healthier than average person eat?
Q: Im looking for some heath food advice…I eat organic foods and such….but how many meals should I be taking in per day?Sometimes my body only feels the need to eat 2 meals per day but I was told I should I should aim for six meals a day.This seems a little much to me…How many meals a day should I eat to be healthier than average without overdoing it?
A: there are many factors in this question..your height, weight, and age play a factor into what your body “needs” as in daily calories..it is healthier to eat 5-6 meals a day (spread out between 2-3 hours) than to eat 1 or 2 meals daily..
How can a busy person with very little time eat healthy, inexpensive meals the whole week through?
Q: I work long days and so does my partner. We know what we are supposed to eat, but with very little time and energy after our active careers, it’s very difficult to stay organized at home and eat right at meals. Can anyone recommend a website with tips on keeping a clean home and healthy meals all week through? There has got to be an easier way. Thanks.
A: Try sparkpeople.comThere are great meal tips and things there.Unfortunately, eating well the whole week takes preparation. I spend most of Sunday in the kitchen cooking chicken/turkey/ porkchops and portioning out veggies and snacks for lunches and dinners. I plan the whole week of meals and go from there and it’s not easy by any means.TIPS:Make out a meal plan for breakfast lunch and dinner so you are not tempted to strayGo to the grocery with a list that fits (eat before you go) and keep snack items away from the house so your not tempted…outta sight outta mindBuy in bulk. Bags of chicken, large family bags of veggies or stock up in fresh in season stuff. Portion them out into baggies for lunches and use a permanent marker on the baggie to record calories, fat, protein and carbs if you are tracking those items. I take 2-3 days worth of lunches/snacks with me to work and stick it in the fridge with bottled water so I have no excuse.Get pleanty of storage containers and a lunch bag to take your meals with you. I also do ziplock baggies and plastic silverwear.Pick up items that are already packaged but healthier…100 calorie packs, canned tuna/chicken, bottled water, apples, almonds, yogurt (low fat/carb), frozen fruit (particularly in winter) bagged lettuce (my faves are spinich or baby romaine) and egg beaters/product and low sugar pre-packaged oatmeal.I cook in bulk for dinners because leftovers are my best friend. Why cook 4 chicken breasts for my family when I could cook 10 and have several days of meals. I can put the chicken on a salad 1 day, reheat it another or chop it up with veggies and brown rice for stir fry another day. This saves time and energy and just takes a little advanced planning. There are also “bags” of chicken and fish that can be microwaved in 2 minutes or less that are quick for lunches but watch the sodium content. Fresh is better.Also, I never skip breakfast: Its usually oatmeal at work or egg beaters portioned with veggies into a ziplock that I microwave at work. Yogurt and dry oatmeal is also a favorite and sometimes I add berries (frozen or fresh) or almonds. I use these same items as snacks if I get hungry during the day.I’m not perfect all the time but advanced planning and cooking in bulk (which doesn’t take any more time the a normal meal) have helped me eat a lot healthier and stay away from the fast food line. Eating out now is a treat again and we try and make it “no fast food” rule…meaning, if we are going to eat out, we are going to enjoy it. I still limit it to meat/veggies usually to stay on track. While my grocery bill went up considerably at fisrt. I noticed that I had more money because I was not constantly eating out so it was fairly level. I just shop wise, shop sales and buy in bulk when I can and freeze what I don’t need.
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