What is the perfect diet food

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the perfect diet food”,you can compare them.

There is not one perfect diet food but rather a variety. I would suggest lots of lettuce and veggies w/ small portions of meat & beans. Only eat whole grain breads and sugar in small amounts. Drink lots of water! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-perfect-diet-food ]
More Answers to “What is the perfect diet food
What’s the Perfect Diet Food?
Your body has extremely complex nutritional needs and to eat a healthy diet then you need to give it what it needs. Every day your body needs the correct balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins and minerals…and it would be great…
What is perfect food or diet?
variety of individual conditions and factors. Some of these include climate, geographical location, ancestry, physical and emotional state, work, and life-style. Thus, what we choose to eat becomes an expression of all aspects of our being….
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In 2005, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) revised the Food Guide Pyramid (FGP) and renamed it MyPyramid. The revision was much anticipated but its reception has been lukewarm. The new FGP is being criticized because portio…

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A: Only with a realistic weight loss plan with good diet, you will be able to achieve it easily. In order to have ideal weight. few things to take note.Calories and WeightA pound of fat equals 3500 calories. To lose 1 pound a week you will need to expend 3500 more calories than you eat that week, whether through increased activity ordecreased eating or both. Losing 1-2 pounds of fat a week is a sensible goalHealthy diet- Take the stairs instead of the lift- Keep walking whilst the escalator caries you up- Walk or cycle instead of driving short distancesDiet- Little salt – always read the label- Aim to have five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables daily5 Top Tips1. Keep an accurate food diary2. Set healthy and manageable goals3. Ensure you make healthy choices within your routine4. Be proud about your progress5. Make a strong commitment towards lifelong changesRead more diet plan and choose one that suit your lifestyle http://www.lossweight-zone.com
what is the perfect diet food?
Q: i need quick and simple diet food
A: chips, burgers and pizzas. No carbohydrates. and excercise a lot. don’t eat too much. your body will start to burn the fat off your body instead of cabohydrates because you won’t have eaten any.
Is beaver the perfect diet food?
Q: You can eat it all day long and never gain a pound
A: Just as long as you don’t eat the tail.
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