What vitamins help height growth

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It is not one vitamin, but rather making sure you have enough of all vitamins to help you grow. Need more? ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-vitamins-help-height-growth ]
More Answers to “What vitamins help height growth
What minerals/vitamins should I have to help boost my height grow…?
More calcium, such as in any dairy products, and stretch sometimes!
What exercises help in height growth?
Get a chinup bar, or anything that you would be able to hang on while keeping your legs vertical. Hang for as long as possible letting your body go limb. This will stretch your spine. Do this as many times a day as possible for a minimum of…
Does neutrilite help in height growth?
No, all I can tell you is to get 8-10 hours of sleep and stay away from caffeine.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a way to grow taller? any special vitamins in food that help in height growth?
Q: im a boy that’s 16 and im 5’2.is there any food that have any vitamins that help in height growth that i should eat?i mean NUTRIENTS. damn some people are so freakin stupid. i dont mean vitamins from tv.i mean NUTRIENTS. damn some people are so freakin stupid. i dont mean vitamins from tv.
A: I wouldn’t worry about it…guys usually shoot up at late 17 or 18 years old…(I’m not a guy but) my mom is only 5’4” , my dad is 6’4” and i am 5’11”…how tall are your parents? you are probably still growing…as far as vitamins, IDK…but you know the reason that basketball players are so tall is because they jump all the time…fact- jumping over a long period of time causes your spine to stretch…and vice-versa…people shrink when they get old b/c they have walked for so many years and that causes your spine to compact and shrink.
What Vitamins are Essiential For Growth (Height) During Puberty?
Q: I turned 16 a couple of weeks ago, and was just wondering what Vitamins/Food are essiential for height growth during Puberty?I am 5ft 7.5Thanks
A: calcium (milk cheese soy) for bones and bone growthmeat eggs egg whites plenty of legumes such as spinach (veggies) for protein (muscles and active body movement)vegetables and fruits for their vast body immune benefits and the many vitamins and minerals they haveand a healthy normal and balanced diet for good body functioning and reaction (i.e. kidney, nervous, and digestive systems)note: don’t eat too much fat i recommend once a week a special treat but im not a doc 😉 hehe
Height Growth Pills, Vitamins that Increase Growth Hormones, and Food Intake?
Q: Is there any growth pills [height] out there, that can we bought at a pharmacy, vitamin store?Which vitamins out there can increase your growth hormones?Any food intakes that can help?- Thanks in advance
A: No to all of your questions…if there were such a thing I would be taking them because I have growth hormone deficiency and take very expensive injections daily.
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