What work out can you do to lose belly fat fast

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No diet plan, specific food, or type of exercise will specifically target belly fat. You have to decrease your total body fat by burning more calories than you consume. Some good cardio workouts are running, jumping rope, and swimming. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-work-out-can-you-do-to-lose-belly-fat-fast ]
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How can i lose belly fat fast before school start again?
Q: Hi So im 14 and i weight bout 150poundsand my height is 5fthow can i lose all the belly fat fast before summer is over??What should i eat??For breakfast,lunch,Dinner and for snacksHow many hours of exercising should i do??& what kind or exercises??Please help thanks alot :)p.s im hoping i might also lose a couple of pounds 🙂
A: I would suggest cutting simple carbs ( sugar, white bread, white pasta , white rice etc. ) out of your diet and eating lean proteins and complex carbs. Fill up on salads with a reasonable amount of dressing and no cheese/bacon/croutons. Eat a small portion of lean meat. Don’t eat any “Diet” Tv dinners ! these are loaded with sodium which leads to water weight ! A typical day should be something like this:Breakfast: A portion of plain oatmeal. If you must use a bit of truvia or sun crystals to sweeten it. Do not resort to splenda or other artificial sweeteners. also add a fresh fruit. Lunch: Fresh green salad with tomatoes and grilled chicken. Dinner: Fresh Green Salad, Broiled Fish, Small Portion of Seasoned brown rice. Snack: Fresh Veggies or Whole Wheat Crisps. Your should reduce your calorie intake to about 1500 a day. 45 minutes of Aerobic activity is a good start take a walk outside, do some crunches, go for a swim… etc. I’m a personal trainer =) If you have any questions I would be glad to help you ! I emailed my “real” email address to your Yahoo account. It is refreshing to see someone want to take charge of their health ! Good Luck !
How to lose belly fat fast.?
Q: Whats the most efficient way to lose weight by that i mean the fastest or easiest way to lose belly fat cuz i work out alot and bench, situps and other stuff but still got belly fat so i dont know what to d. also what foods will make me lose fat.
A: All of the fat will never be gone, but you can definitely achieve better definition. A lot of people do not want to hear this, but where fat deposits itself on your body is largely a function of genetics. If your relatives all have pudgy bellies, then you will probably have one also unless you work REALLY hard to get rid of it, and it may never be gone entirely.One of the things that you will need to consider in addition to exercise (we’ll cover that in a minute) is what you are eating. If you are eating lots of junk, you will never fully uncover your abs no matter how much you exercise. You need to add lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Also make sure that you are getting enough LEAN protein (helps with building muscle).As for exercising, the best exercises for a flat belly ARE NOT crunches. Crunches help, but you need more to get that defined six pack you want. Actually, one of the best exercises that you can do to develop your abs is running. Another you may have done in gym class – they are called mountain climbers.The main thing is to get plenty of exercise and to eat healthy balanced meals.
what type of Exercises you need to do to lose belly fat fast and get six pack instead ?
Q: what type of Exercises you need to do to lose belly fat fast and get six pack instead ?
A: It is not possible to spot reduce fat in just one part of your body, like your belly. In order to lose belly fat you will need to lose the fat all over your body.In short you may need to start:1) Eating healthier, this means:Eat smaller mealsEat more meals a dayDon’t starve yourselfEat more vegetables and fruitDrink more waterLess sugars and empty calories (less soft drinks, cakes, cookies)Switch to whole wheat versions of your bread and pasta, brown rice instead of white rice2) Exercising:Forget crunches, crunches work your ab muscles but they don’t burn enough calories to lose belly fat, if you do hundreds of crunches daily you will have great abs but you wont see them under your belly fat.Prefer full body exercises they burn the most calories and increase you metabolism for a few hours after your workout.Get a training partner or a fitness trainer, a very worthwhile investment – of the money you save on junk food for example =)Try also to reduce stress and get enough sleep. Both of these are related to weight gain and emotional eating.For more try: http://www.flatstomachtips.comI wish you all the best,John
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