Which soda is the worst for you

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Which soda is the worst for you”,you can compare them.

Most soda is the same. Anything with sugar and caffeine like regular Coke or Pepsi is the worst for you. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-soda-is-the-worst-for-you ]
More Answers to “Which soda is the worst for you
How bad soda is for you?
soda is the worst thing for you it not only has a lot of calories but screws up your insides
Which Soda is Worst for your Teeth ?
Surely you can find some teeth from dentists, veterinarians, zoos, and so on. Look at the main chemical composition of teeth (especially the enamel) versus limestone. The most prevalent acids in soda are phosphoric, carbolic, and carbonic a…
Is soda bad for your bones?
Like most things, soda, when used in moderation shouldn’t cause concern. However, if you consume several cans per day on a regular basis there is some evidence that the phosphoric acid in soda contributes to bone degredation which can ultim…

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Q: I’ve heard the tales of how Coke will eat a nail in ? days and Mountain Dew has the most sugar, but I’d like to know which actually is the best and the worst soda pops people can drink and why. Thanks
A: I think Coke, Pepsi, Dr.Pepper, Mr. Pibb, Sprite, Mountain Dew, and Cactus cooler are used for accidents such as this.When there is a car accident even in snow and someone is killed there blood is left on the ground. All the sodas listen above have the ability to eat away at the blood and make the area look brand new again..Gross isnt it?
Which Soda is Worst for your Teeth ? (Limestone)?
Q: My daughter has decided to test which soda is the worst for your teeth for her science fair project this year. She wants to test the effect of the sodas’ acid on teeth. 1)Any idea where teeth could be obtained? The dentist is a no go, and her baby teeth are too small. 2) Would animal teeth suffice? I’m assuming they’re made up of the same stuff as human teeth. 3) There is an experiment online where the effects of soda were test on limestone, but I’ve no idea why limestone was selected.
A: Surely you can find some teeth from dentists, veterinarians, zoos, and so on. Look at the main chemical composition of teeth (especially the enamel) versus limestone. The most prevalent acids in soda are phosphoric, carbolic, and carbonic acids. The overall effect from sugar may be greater than that of acid, but much harder to study. Take care to expose only the enamel to the soda, since the root is normally protected by the gums.
which soda is the worst for your teeth?
Q: I did a science experiment, to see which soda was the most corrosive to the teeth. I put pennies inside the sodas (Coke, sprite, crush, dr. pepper, and mountain dew) and see which one became the shiniest. I noticed the darker soda made the pennies shiner, but does that mean the darker color sodas like Coke and Dr. Pepper is worst for ur teeth than Sprite..mountain dew? which soda out of those are the worst for ur teeth? why?? thankstried that site already b4 even posting this:)
A: coke is horrible for your teeth, it is high in acid.Read the site posted as my source. Good information.
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