Who is the fastest person baby in the world

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Tatyana Khalina of Russia gave birth on September 17, 2007 to Nadia, who weighed a whopping 7.75 kg (17.1 lb) at birth. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-is-the-fastest-person-baby-in-the-world ]
More Answers to “Who is the fastest person baby in the world
How fast can a person get preg agaon after having their 1st baby??
you can get pregnant right away! they say you cant have sex for 6 weeks after you give birth, but technically you can get pregnant again immediately!

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Do you see your child as a Little Person or a baby?
Q: My mother gets right annoyed when I call my son who is 6 almost 7 months old a ” little man” she says he is just a baby. I keep telling her that he is a little man, growing up so fast exploring his world and learning all these little things. I know he is a baby, and respond to his needs accordingly, but I want him to grow up to be an indepentant little man. That’s why I refer to him as ” little man”Just wondering how you view your little one, and what age they are.I have a friend who’s son is 14 months old and she still calls him a baby, although she said once his was a year that he was no longer a baby, he was a toddler, but can’t break herself of saying “he’s just a baby”I so agree with many of you. He is a little person.Emma that’s exactly how I see it. He is a little man, exploring his own little world. He has his own little personality and it is to cute when he learns how something works or seems proud of himself. The other day he was putting toys in a bowl and taking them out.My friend who has the 14 month old, still says, oh he doesn’t sleep good, or eat good because he is only a baby.I agree that some people are just holding onto the feeling that they are babies for themselves.I guess to each their own!
A: My daughter has always been a little person to me. She is 11mths old. I call her my little friend and she is just that. She never was a baby to me. Shes a person just a little one, with her own personlaity, thoughts and feelings. People think it’s lovely that is what i call her.
I have another riddle for you. I’ll give 10 points to the first person who can solve it?
Q: I walk, but have no legs. I sleep, but never dream.You can rock me in a cradle, but I am not a babyand I can go around the world faster than you can cross a room. What am I?
A: A yo-yo?
im i the only person in the world that thinks that the movie knocked up sucks?
Q: i dunno everyone was so talking about this movie and they said it was great so i went to rent it the other day. the beginning was fun they i thought that the girl falling so fast for that loser was pretty much bullshit but still the first part was fun. then i dunno the movie kind of turned and it became kind of serious all of a sudden then the movie was so fucking long. it lasted over 2 hours. jesus christ since when do they make comedie movies so long. comedy movies are supposed to last 1:30 tops. At the end i was like ohh have the baby already and live happily ever after and just finish please. The girl correcting the doctor at the end was so stupid the doctor just should’ve let the baby die. Then the loser shouting at the sister for coming into the delivery room, ohhh my god i wanted so badly to turn the movie off without it even ending. I think the director from this movie was the same as the director from the movie the forty year old virgin cuz both were alike.both movies started out good then turned serious then both movies added unneccesary scenes to make the movie longer then by the end you were just wishing that movie finally ended. i thought ben stillers the heartbreak kid was 3 times funnier and a better movie. at least this movie stays a comedy through the entire movie.
A: It really sucked. Everyone hyped it as to be this really funny movie but it fizzeled after 20 minutes. I saw the unrated version and now I think I’m scarred for life. The forty year old virgin is also just as bad.
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