Why is staying hydrated important

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is staying hydrated important”,you can compare them.

Hydration is important for skin,nails,and most body functions.Drinking plenty of water can also promote weight loss and rid toxins [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-staying-hydrated-important ]
More Answers to “Why is staying hydrated important
Why Is Staying Hydrated When You Are Sick So Important??
Taking lots of fluids while sick would help to flush out the toxins; replace the lost fluids from the fever, prevent dehydration from diarrhea and vomiting. and /or perspiration once the fever breaks; flushes out the kidneys during urinary …
Why is it so important to drink water, other then staying hydrate…?
other than keeping the cells hydrated we also need water for the digestive system – when you pass waste (couldn’t think of a nicer way to put it) there needs to be water to make the feces more easily passable otherwise constipation will occ…
How important is it to you to stay hydrated? How much water do yo…?
I used to hardly ever drink any liquids, I just don’t really like to drink. I know that is weird but I’ve never liked it. Though I have gotten a heck of a lot better at drinking water bc I know that it is good for my body. I’m obsessed with…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why Is Staying Hydrated When You Are Sick So Important?
Q: How does it help you fight an illness. Obviously it is important in general to drink enough water everyday but why is it key when fighting an illness?
A: Taking lots of fluids while sick would help to flush out the toxins; replace the lost fluids from the fever, prevent dehydration from diarrhea and vomiting. and /or perspiration once the fever breaks; flushes out the kidneys during urinary tract infections. Staying hydrated also helps with keeping the elimination regular. It also prevents constipation. Rest and fluids always go hand in hand during an illness. A time may come during the course of your illness when you may eat and drink less. The changes in your appetite and fluid intake may be related to your general weakness and slowing metabolism. Some illnesses are associated with swallowing difficulties or nausea and vomiting. It is important to talk to your doctor about what to expect as your illness progresses. And it’s vey impt to keep the fluid balance during an illness to avoid dehydration as dehydration can be life-threatening.
why is it so important to drink water, other then staying hydrated?
Q: fdhgffsdg
A: other than keeping the cells hydrated we also need water for the digestive system – when you pass waste (couldn’t think of a nicer way to put it) there needs to be water to make the feces more easily passable otherwise constipation will occur.. same with fibre..hope this helped
Why is water so important for working out and getting in shape/being healthier?
Q: People always say that if you want to be healthier, drink LOTS of water. I want to know why it is so important, besides the obvious staying hydrated.
A: There’s a few key reasons, among many many others.First – it flushes out your kidneys. Keeping your digestive system healthier and less likely to get an infection. Second- it hydrates your muscles. If you’re really active, and exercise a lot, you’re very likely to be sore afterwards. The more hydrated your muscles are, the less likely you are to be in pain (as much or for as long.) Which is good for everyone :)As well as little things… less headaches from dehydration, good for your skin, etc. The list could go on for ages
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