Are premature ventricular contractions dangerous

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PVC’s can occur in healthy, normal hearts. They are also sometimes a sign of underlying cardiac disease such as coronary MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are premature ventricular contractions dangerous
PVCs are rarely dangerous. Almost everyone has them from time to time. They can be caused by stress, infection, or overuse of caffiene or other stimulants. PVCs may also be an early warning of other problems such as a thyroid disorder or he…
If you are healthy then they are usually not; however, that can produce what is called an R on T phenomenon and that can be lethal, PVC’s can be caused by many things such as caffeine-nicotine- and even exercise. Most of the time people don…
PVC’s can occur in healthy, normal hearts. They are also sometimes a sign of underlying cardiac disease such as coronary MORE?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

are premature ventricular contractions dangerous?
A: If you are healthy then they are usually not; however, that can produce what is called an R on T phenomenon and that can be lethal,PVC’s can be caused by many things such as caffeine-nicotine- and even exercise. Most of the time people don’t feel them when thy occur and if you do feel it, it feels like a skipped beat.Unless you have them alot and they are accompanied by chest pain I wouldn’t be too concerned.If you are having them and you are concerned then I suggest seeing a doctor.
Premature ventricular contractions..dangerous in normal heart?
Q: im only a teenager…but i have pac’s (some pvc’s too)sometimes i get 3 or 4 in a minute but i never get 3 in a row+3 is considered vtachim scared im going to have a run of that possible in a normal heart???and can it turn into vfib??? thanks in advance (:
A: PVCs and PACs are very common, nearly everyone has them. They are little “early” beats that originate in the top or bottom chambers of the heart. They can be aggravated by caffeine intake, hormonal changes, and stress. In a healthy person (like you) with a normal heart, this is a very benign condition. If they bother you, your doctor can prescribe a low-dose beta blocker to try to decrease the number of palpitations. If you don’t find them bothersome, then try not to worry, they are harmless! Good luck, hope this was somewhat helpful.
Can PVCs (premature ventricular contractions) be dangerous?
Q: Doctors keep telling me it’s benign, but I often feel I’m not being taken seriously because I’m young, slim and female. Some irregular beats feel different, not regular PVCs, but when doctors seem to ignore what I’m saying. Do you know anyone who has had a cardiac arrest after being told it was nothing serious?
A: PVC’s are generally benign. They are typically caused by caffeine intake, certain medications such as decongestant use, increased stress, lack of sleep are potential triggers. If you are continually worried about the PVC’s and palpitations reducing your stress and practicing relaxation techniques may help to reduce them. If you feel your concerns are being ignored you need to go to another provider. Keep in mind he is essentially working for you and you can “fire” him at any time. If you have a family history of cardiac problems that needs to be taken into account. Unfortunately medicine is not an exact science.
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