Do guinea pigs get hepatitis A

Health related question in topics Pets .We found some answers as below for this question “Do guinea pigs get hepatitis A”,you can compare them.

Guinea pigs don’t normally get Hepatitis A, however, they are often given the disease to test out meds for Hepatitis A. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do guinea pigs get hepatitis A
Do guinea pigs get hepatitis A
Guinea pigs don’t normally get Hepatitis A, however, they are often given the disease to test out meds for Hepatitis A.

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Why is my grandma doing this will it help or is she just trying to kill herself?
Q: my grandma used to be really normal when i was around seven but since then she-bought a solar panel and hogs for the end of the world-trued to get my whole family together so she could put draino in the soda and kill us all–giving out her inheritance when she’s 52i went and saw her last week (i hadn’t seen her since i was 7 and now im 15) and she now weighs like 80 pounds and she is a complete pill popper (i told her i had a toothache and she came out with like40 pills i was supposed to take) and so much that she can’t drive because she falls asleep at the wheel and when i saw her she told me that she was going into shock treatment for hepatitis c and that’s she’s going to be like a guinea pig i don’t know much about shock treatment but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t help for that most of my family lives with her or around her and most of my family are meth heads which isn’t helping at all my grandpa is never home he’s always out fighting fires (which i think might be his way of staying away from her)REBECCAthanks for calling me a liar she told her therapist what she was planning and she took her pills awayprobably the reason why i’m writing this
A: You have a very vivid imagination young lady/gentleman.Are there no adults in your family who would have dealt with< SHOULD THERE REALLY HAVE BEEN SUCH AN ISSUE, her trying to kill the whole family?:)
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