How does a female donate her eggs

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The egg donors are screened for infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis, and some genetic conditions, before they More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does a female donate her eggs
How does a female donate her eggs
The egg donors are screened for infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis, and some genetic conditions, before they More?
Female Egg Donation: How to Donate Eggs
Females who choose to donate eggs, as part of a fertility program are sometimes required to remain anonymous. Some clinics allow the option for the donor to be identified and interviewed by the couple seeking assistance … Female Egg Don…
Where can a female donate her eggs in Michigan and how much shoul…?
i kno you will get thousands of dollars.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does anyone have information on donated female eggs and how much they offer for it?
Q: 5 kids down the road and were done now and we were talking about giving up the rest of her eggs but i wasnt sure on who to talk to or a website to look at for that thanks
Female egg donation for infertile couples- Morally wrong or ok?
Q: How would you consider a healthy, fertile woman donating her eggs to an infertile couple to give them a chance at having a baby of their own? (The donor egg is fertilised by the male partners sperm then inserted into the infertile female partner)What if the egg donor and the recipient were blood related? Is it morally wrong or would you be doing something good?
A: I know this sounds really bad but I could never do it. It’s not the pain of taking ovulation medication or having the eggs taken out of you or gaining a few extra pounds in the process. It’s the knowledge that those eggs are yours and could be fertilized. I salute those women who are able to donate, but I reserve the right not to have children by any means.
How could the virgin birth been of a male? How did Mary give birth to Jesus?
Q: If a female has only X chromosomes to donate to her offspring, how then could an egg be fertilized to produce a female? If she only has two X’s (XX) genotype, how is this possible? Could Mary have given birth to Jesus if she was really a virgin?
A: Mary conceived Jesus because of the Holy Spirit.”The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God.””And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.” – Luke 1:30-31 in the Bible
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