How does a sensory nerve get damaged

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Nerve damage can be caused by a number of things, including lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, Vitamin B toxicity, and Lyme disease. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does a sensory nerve get damaged
How does a sensory nerve get damaged
Nerve damage can be caused by a number of things, including lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, Vitamin B toxicity, and Lyme disease.
Is it possible to permanently damage the sensory nerves of the pe…?
Tim, it is indeed possible to bruise the penile nerves by overly aggressive masturbation techniques. …
Can Sensory Nerve Damage Be Healed?
・ The sensory nerves in the neck and back vertebrae affect various reflexes, such as arm and leg movement… ・ Most damaged sensory nerves (such as those in the back, neck, elbow and shoulder) require rest for healing… ・ Antiinflammatory …

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Can too much masturbation damage your sensory nerves?
Q: Somebody told me this, the results are that you cant concentrate hard… I dont want this to happen to me! Help m,e please! Also, how do you apply lubricants? Is it ok if you get a lubricant inside of your penis? Thanks, please answer! D:
A: thats not true its just a other sex myth
Need help please, anyone?
Q: I was injured on the job in October was off for about 5 days and then was put on light duty up till now. I am in Wisconsin. I had a carpal tannell surgery and a nerve damage in arm by elbow surgery in December on my left arm. I had just a carpal tunnel surgery on my right in February. I have been going to rehab-therapy for the last couple of months for this. I have an appointment with the doctor on April 15th–and he hopes to release me to full duty (I am a concrete laborer) at that time. They did a sensory test on both hands and elbow 3 weeks ago and they came out bad—did not have the normal sensation in the hands as they would have hoped. What kind of settlement or compensation do you suppose I might get on these 3 injuries?If anyone has any info on how to answer this it would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.
A: the best way to get an answer is to consult an attorney that specializes in worker’s compensation. they will not be able to give you any idea until the dr. releases you and decides what type, if any, permenant restrictions, and permenant impairment rating your dr. assigns. you may also be entitled to a second orthopedic opinion under the law, if you are not satisfied that the first one is being essentially fair to you. the insurance carrier will likely offer you money to close your right to any future medical expenses. i personally think it is rarely a good idea. however, if you have problems with your wrist later it will be hard to get the carrier to step-up. see someone who really knows the law. dont just get any sorry lawyer in the yellow pages. find out who is good that specializes in worker’s compensation. in my state attorney are only entitled to 15% in comp cases. find out about that also.
Could these be symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?
Q: Hi AllA little about me: I suffered an unstable fracture to my T12 vertebra, without spinal cord damage back in 1995. This injury was corrected by inserting screws and rods into my spine and having a spinal fusion from my T11 – L1.Over the years I have had bouts of sensory disturbances and neurological symptoms such as numbness, tinglings, brisk reflexes, loss of balance. I’ve had abnormal SSEP and nerve conduction tests, but the results were dismissed due to my back injury.On March 27th this year, I had the screws and rods removed due to back pain from them becoming lose. Initially after the surgery I was fine. Four weeks post op my sensory disturbances/neuropathic symptoms have returned and have continued to get worse. My neurosurgeon ordered an MRI of the thoracic spine region, which I had last week, but it has come back clear. However, I’m still having sensory disturbances/neuropathic symptoms such as:*Numbness & tingling that would happen occasionally in my feet. It has since returned and spread to my torso.*When I tilt my head forward, I get an electric shock feeling in my feet and legs (New symptom in past four weeks)*A tight band of pressure around my chest, just under my breasts. It feels like my bra is too tight, and it feels like I am still wearing one, even after I take it off. (New symptom in past four weeks)* Sometimes there is a tinge of yellow to my vision (Off and on over past few years)I’m beginning to wonder if my symptoms are not related to my spine, but are in fact symptoms of MS? Do you think I should ask my neurosurgeon (I am seeing him again tomorrow) to order a MRI of the brain to look for lesions?How soon would lesions appear if it were MS?Thanks in advance for your input on thisI’m a 37 year old FemaleEyes: Only vision disturbances I have are a yellow tinge and I get dizzy and/or it feels like the room is moving when things I’m watching on TV move quickly.
A: Hello, It might be wise to mention these things to your Neurologist. I have had MS for many years and some of your symptoms are very familiar. The squeezing feeling, electric shock feeling and the dizziness when something moves quickly across your line of site and of course the numbness are all things I have had to deal with. The yellow tinge is new to me. I would also think these things could also be linked to your injury. Visit with your Dr and good luck to you
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