How many diseases did wilt chamberlain have

Health related question in topics Celebrities .We found some answers as below for this question “How many diseases did wilt chamberlain have”,you can compare them.

The 63-year-old Wilt Chamberlain was reported to have died of a heart attack. It is reported he had multiple STD’s as well. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many diseases did wilt chamberlain have
How many diseases did wilt chamberlain have
The 63-year-old Wilt Chamberlain was reported to have died of a heart attack. It is reported he had multiple STD’s as well. ChaCha

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At What Point Does The Double Standard for Male Promiscuity vs. Female reverse?
Q: It’s obvious that a lot of men take pride in “sowing their wild oats”, whereas despite cultural changes where females “hook up”, generally it’s still frowned upon for a female to be promiscuous, because she is at greater risk for diseases, pregnancy, and it makes her look as if she has no standards or self-esteem.But at what point is it “too much” for males? How many notches in the bedpost is “embarrassing”? Is it, like Wilt Chamberlain bragged, that 10,000 women is just fine and dandy, or does that someone like him look like they’re mental and devoid of any character whatsoever? Alas, what’s the magic number, or should there just not BE any double standard?
A: With the diseases that are out there to be had these days, I cannot imagine males keeping up that ‘wild oats theme’. It is really just not logical. I would hope that women have enough sense to know that this is no time to be wanting to suddenly catch up to men in that category. Seriously, since penicillan just will not ‘cure’ what ails you, in the idea of STDs, and when the diseases are invisable (even herpes can be contageous while no outbreak is happening), I hope that both genders can get it together and appreciate long term relationships with one person.
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