Is a lot of discharge something to be concerned about

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Mononucleosis (Mono) or the “kissing disease” can occur when another person’s saliva enters your mouth or nose. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is a lot of discharge something to be concerned about
Is a lot of discharge something to be concerned about
Mononucleosis (Mono) or the “kissing disease” can occur when another person’s saliva enters your mouth or nose. ChaCha on!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Extra Extra discharge, 25 weeks… should I be concerned?
Q: I am 24 weeks and for my entire pregnancy I have not experienced the extra discharge that many women claim to have with pregnancy. Yesterday and the day before I had what was an all of a sudden burst (or leaking…. if you will) of a LOT of discharge… it soaked my panties. Plus… ( this is so gross ) but it was all over me.. and it was off white in color. Does this sound like something I should be concerned about… like an infection… or is it just common with pregnancy??
A: it’s probably your mucus plug refreshing itself
Question about Cramping and Discharge at 5 1/2 weeks.?
Q: During implantation I had severe cramping a lot of it on the lower left side of my abdomen. I confirmed with my doctor’s office and things seemed fine at first. I’ve had all the usual symptoms of pregnancy.Off and on the whole time I’ve experienced some cramping located mainly on my lower left abdomen area in the same spot. It’s not constant but it does come and go and it feels as though I’m being stabbed when it occurs. Starting this past Thursday I noticed some brown discharge along with my cramping mainly when I wiped but a couple of times on a pad when I’ve been up walking around. I’ve also a couple of times seen bright red blood. Not a lot but some. I’ve had one miscarriage 7 months ago, and am not sure what to think about this discharge and cramping. Should I be concerned that the pain is almost always on my left side in the same area? My first OBGYN appt. isn’t until Friday. I don’t know if I’m starting to miscarry or if this is something else.Any help is appreciated!
A: That’s how my miscarriages started out.Make an appt asap. Until then spend as much time as you can laying completely flat or with a pillow under your hips. Make sure you are eating. Regardless of what’s happening your body is in great need of nourishment.A little brown blood isn’t unusual, but the bright red is a warning sign. Instead of reading the answers, go to the ER.
TMI. 37 weeks and 6 days pregnant, should I be concerned about this?
Q: I have been having soft and kinda loose bowels, not diarrhea just loose bowel. Also I have felt a lot of pressure down there and is it normal to feel sweaty down there? I mean I have been having to go to the bathroom to see if I have gone wee wee on myself and well I can’t tell if I am sweaty or if it is amniotic fluid. How can I tell?I know this is a little too much info but I just wanted to know if it is something that I need to be concerned about so that I can call my doctor. I have had a few contractions since the day after thanksgiving but not anything really serious. Also when I go to the bathroom I sometimes get the urge to push but nothing comes out. I have a little discharge that comes out all day and well…………….. I am just confused. What do I do?Please Help!
A: wearing a panty liner or pad can be helpful. but you do need to check with your doctor. i was just as confused as you are my first pregnancy and i waited 2 weeks before telling my doctor. turned out it was my amniotic fluid slowly dripping out. i didn’t think it was because i expected it to “gush” out. with all the anticipation of upcoming labor it’s very easy to get wrapped up in the whirlwind of questions and what-ifs. just ask your doctor so you can know for sure. that’s what they are there for. and they’ve heard it all, no question is too silly.
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