Is anemia a blood disease

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Anemia, a common blood disorders, occurs when the level of healthy red blood cells in the body becomes too low. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is anemia a blood disease
Is anemia a blood disease
Anemia, a common blood disorders, occurs when the level of healthy red blood cells in the body becomes too low.

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how important is world blood donors day in life of RH Negaitve Blood Types and Rare Blood Groups?
Q: World Blood Donor Day is celebrated annually on June 14 to raise awareness of the need for safe blood around the world, to thank and honor those blood donors who make transfusion possible, and to encourage healthy, eligible individuals to give blood regularly.Every two seconds someone in the India needs blood. Hundreds of blood units are required for patients suffering from blood diseases like Anaemia, accidental blood loss, excessive destruction of Red Blood Cells, Thalassemia, Haemophilia, Leukemia and bone marrow transplant. Rare Blood Groups Org is Indian online registry portal of rare blood groups donors including AB Negative Blood , A Negative Blood , B Negative Blood , O Negative Blood and Bombay Blood Group. Rare Blood Groups is non commercial, non profit and voluntary support group exclusive for rare blood donors i.e AB Negative Blood Group, B Negative Blood Group, A Negative Blood Groupand O Negative Blood Group.Pls visit :
A: This is really cool information since it builds awareness of the Rhesus factor and rare blood groups. Really informative and I guess I really learnt that India really cares for its blood donors and patients. Hey World Blood Donor Day!!!^_^
Are u rare blood group guy in London ? Will u save a life ?
Q: Arranging blood donor of rare blood groups( rh negative blood types ) is always a tough task as awareness on rare blood groups is still low and usually getting started on the search for rare blood groups draws a blank with most people. Hundreds of blood units are required for patients suffering from blood diseases like anaemia, accidental blood loss, excessive destruction of red blood cells, thalassemia, haemophilia, leukemia and bone marrow transplant. There is an acute shortage of safe blood and statistics from most blood banks suggest rare blood groups (rh negative blood types) are very scarce. RareBloodGroups.Org is India’s 1st online registry website of rare blood type donors including AB Negative Blood Group, A Negative Blood Group, B Negative Blood Group, O Negative Blood Group and Bombay Blood Type. visit :
A: HelloMy blood group is Rh O + If any body wants i am ready to give.
Are u rare blood group donor in New York or London , Will u save a life today ?
Q: Arranging blood donor of rare blood groups( rh negative blood types ) is always a tough task as awareness on rare blood groups is still low and usually getting started on the search for rare blood groups draws a blank with most people. Hundreds of blood units are required for patients suffering from blood diseases like anaemia, accidental blood loss, excessive destruction of red blood cells, thalassemia, haemophilia, leukemia and bone marrow transplant. There is an acute shortage of safe blood and statistics from most blood banks suggest rare blood groups (rh negative blood types) are very scarce. RareBloodGroups.Org is World’s 1st online registry website of rare blood type donors including AB Negative Blood Group, A Negative Blood Group, B Negative Blood Group, O Negative Blood Group and Bombay Blood Type. visit :
A: Although I’m not in NY or London, I am B Negative and I regularly donate blood.Why not it is virtually effortless and each donation can save up to 3 lives!
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