Is drinking milk good for your health

Health related question in topics Food Drink .We found some answers as below for this question “Is drinking milk good for your health”,you can compare them.

Yes, Drinking milk twice or three times a day won’t just help prevent osteoporosis but other disease such as diabetes too. Keep on doing the ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is drinking milk good for your health
Is drinking milk good for your health
Yes, Drinking milk twice or three times a day won’t just help prevent osteoporosis but other disease such as diabetes too. Keep on doing the ChaCha!
Is drinking milk good or bad for health?
Heck yes it is good! It gives you calcium and as a young person you need to get all that calcium now! See right now as you drink milk your bones stores up calcium. When you get older it gets harder for your bones to store it. If you don’t h…
Can drinking milk keep your teeth healthy and looking good??
Yes because it has calcium in it which helps your teeth out and your bones, but you must also keep brushing routinely!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it good for your health to drink soy milk and regular milk together?
Q: I usually get a stomachach if I drink milk alone, so I have been mixing regular milk and soy milk together. Is it good for your body?
A: Won’t hurt you. Soy has more protein and no cholesterol, but not much calcium. Mild has the calcium and vitamin D you need. Should be a good combo.
Is it good or bad for your health to drink a glass of milk just before you go to sleep at night?
A: I would say it has both pros and cons.Warm milk helps you sleep, because of the proteins I think. So if you have trouble falling asleep, milk would be good for your health to drink before you go to sleep.However, it is best not to eat/consume any calories 3 hours before you go to bed. You might wake up with horrible stomach aches, or cramps. If you do not have this problem, I would say it is good for you to drink milk before you go to sleep at night. Hope this helped!
What type of milk is the best for your health?
Q: Cow milk, in particular.I used to drink skim milk all the time, mainly because that’s what was bought at home. It provides most of the nutrients of, say, 2% milk, but with a lot less fat content. I’ve recently read that the fat in 2% milk is good for you, and people are mistaken when they think skim is healthier, because it is not. Now I’m kind of curious, and wonder what milk is the best for my health.
A: the only difference in nutrient content of milk is the fat.Otherwise, all the nutrients are the same, but there is an exception.Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and it is naturally in milk fat. Whole, 2% and 1% milk have more naturally occurring vitamin D, but all milk is fortified with A and D. One 8 ounce glass of milk contains 25% of your daily intake of vitamin D.
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