Is heart disease generic

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The causes of heart disease vary by type of heart disease. For example, heart defects usually develop while a baby is still in the womb. Researchers believe they are caused by medical conditions, medications & genetics. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is heart disease generic
Is heart disease generic
The causes of heart disease vary by type of heart disease. For example, heart defects usually develop while a baby is still in the womb. Researchers believe they are caused by medical conditions, medications & genetics. ChaCha again!
What Is Valium Prescribed For, Generic Actos, Avandia And Heart D…?
Generic Actos Tenderness, and after various conjectures, they could most trust, should comprehend all the precious qualities of the clan what is valium prescribed for were faithful to her … Lydia left a few happy days in a life within f…

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Why is ibuprofen bad for dogs when carprofen is okay?
Q: Rimadyl (generic carprofen) is prescribed for hip displaysia. What’s the difference between it and ibuprofen? My friend whose dog was in the late teens gave her ibuprofen during the last year of her life. She died from heart disease, but his reasoning was since she was on her last legs,what harm could ibuprofen do? If you are one of those “righteous holier than thou idiots” please don’t answer this question. We all love our animals. I am just asking a question, not harming my beloved animal friends.
A: These are two totally different drugs. They’re about as different (in terms of canine safety) as you can get for drugs.Carprofen is a non-steroidal prescription drug that is highly targeted. It reduces swelling by by inhibiting the production of COX-2 and only this. It has no impact on the activity of COX-1. That’s why, in limited amounts, it’s appropriate for canines. It is ONLY an anti-inflamatory (reduces swelling) and reduces pain this way (by reducing inflamation).Ibuprofen is a totally different drug. It has all sorts of impacts. It is associated with lower risk of Parkinsons, Alzheimers, acne, hypertension, and yes, also attacks pain. But is inhibits activity of COX-1 and COX-2. Like carprofen it is an antinflamatory drug but also an analgesic and antipyretic.I’m very sorry to hear that your friend gave her dog ibuprofen. In canines it is not an effective pain reducer. But what it does do in canines is to cause either complete kidney failure or (in smaller amounts) reduced kidney function. Even chronic renal failure (reduced function) is painful for the dog. The first impact is stomach pain (and bleeding ulcers) because ibuprofen is absorbed through the stomach. This can result in frequent vomiting which then makes the throat raw and painful for the dog to eat. It also results in dehydration. The dog feels poisoned, as an urge to pee, may drink lots of water but is only peeing water. Toxic wastes build up in the bloodstream. The dog compensates by: eating less and drinking more, having less activity of all kinds. When renal failure is complete or bad, the dog may actually start shivering, spend most of the time inactive or sleeping, some vomitting. If your friend’s dog was big (say…a lab or another dog 70 lbs or greater) and the ibuprofen was in very low doses and infrequent, it probably didn’t cause that much additional pain. But even then, the ASPCA has reported a case where 3mg per kg of body weight given every other day for six weeks proved fatal.It’s good of you to ask. And it illustrates that it’s critical to not assume that just because something is right for humans, it will work for dogs too.
Do You Agree UKers – Re Quality Medicines – against cheap synthetic generic drugs?
Q: Do you believe UK people on long or short term medication should be given the choice to be treated with quality medicines that are least likely to cause side affects which can and do cause other serious health problems re breast cancer and HRT. COPD medicines and Heart Disease. ??Please do sign petition if you would like to see this change: (to sign you must be a British Citizen or residing in UK)
A: Most of the generic meds are ok, the others are expensive because it costs the company that develops a new drug mega bucks to do so and for this they retain a monopoly on that drug for some time. That’s when the price is artificially inflated so they recoup their costs. eg Roche developed Mogadon and had that monopoly. Now under it’s name Nitrazepam it is made by more than one company but still has the same amount of the drug in each tablet.The ones that scare me are imported meds that might not comply with BP rules and regs and for that reason I will sign.
Give me an opinion to this Science Article… 10 points if answered?
Q: This article is about mummies with heart diseases. Looks mysterical…Gimme your opinion on the article. Please no obvious answers…!
A: There is nothing worth opinion. The article informs that heart diseases have been around for a long time.
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