Is it healthy to smoke 1 cigarette a day

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No, a 30 year study showed that smoking even as little as one cigarette per day still triples a persons risk of heart disease in a comparison to non smokers.Scientists believe this is because of the effect smoking has on the blood. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it healthy to smoke 1 cigarette a day
Is it healthy to smoke 1 cigarette a day
No, a 30 year study showed that smoking even as little as one cigarette per day still triples a persons risk of heart disease in a comparison to non smokers.Scientists believe this is because of the effect smoking has on the blood. ChaCha!
Is it bad to smoke 1 cigarette a day?
Smoking is bad for you full stop. Its a major health risk whether its 1 cigarette a day or an entire pack. Give up now. It would be easier at 15 than in 10 or 20 years time!
How many cigarette you take in one day to smoke?
I am a smoker too. Reading your story somehow motivate me to quit. I am not a heavy smoker, I mean I only smoke 2 – 5 cigarette a day. I can say that it took me 1 week to finish 1 package of cigarette. I don’t know how many time I tried to …

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How do I control carving for smoking a cigarette?
Q: I am 28 years old,until the 1st week of march’06 for the past 4 years i have been smoking about 5-10 cigarettes a day.In the 2nd week of March’06,one fine day,i decided to call it quits and just stopped smoking.Almost 2 months have passed since then,today i couldnt control the carving for a cigarette.Since the day i stopped smoking,i have been having these carvings but have been just telling myself NO SMOKING and getting i just couldnt concentrate on my work because i have been having these carving for a cigarette and told myself dat i’ll smoke just one so that i can concentrate on my work and smoked a cigarette.I think i can completely stop smoking if i can control my carving for a cigarette.Any ideas on how to put an end to my carving and look ahead and lead a healthy non smoker life?????
A: hullosmoking is a learned behavior,simply it needs a good will to changed a start you might need counseling,then nicotine patch can help.
One Cigarette?
Q: I know that each pregnancy is different, and that some women can smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and come out with healthy babies, and others can smoke a half a pack and have children with multiple problems.But, is there a doctor or a nurse out there that can tell me how likely it is that 1-3 cigarettes a day will really affect an unborn child in any way? I’m not asking for “Well, I smoked___a day and my kid was fine!” stories, because most of those stories come from women who were just lucky, rather you want to believe it or not.Okay, thanks to all of the ignorant people out there, let me say this again: IS THERE ANYONE WITH REAL MEDICAL KNOWDLEDGE OUT THERE who can give me a medical opinion, not a PERSONAL opinion, which I don’t care about. Sorry to be rude, but please, people, read the question before you answer.
A: I don’t think you’re rude but the problem with your question is that there is no real medical proof of 1 cigarette vs 50 cigarettes causing complications. It could be any number in between so you don’t really know. You gave a perfect example of how things can or cannot turn out. I’m not judging you but either way it’s taking a risk. I gave up all of my “bad” habits when I found out I was pregnant. Not only for the safety and well being of my child but for my own “selfish” reasons. It’s not easy taking care of a sick child. And no one can say that having a child with medical problems was worth that cigarette, that drink or that drug.
calling nutritionists! Am i healthy enough? I have a strange health regime!?
Q: here are the straight facts: ht. 5’1″, weight 99 lbs., age 26, female, take vitamins daily, work out about 5 times a week, eat about 800-1,000 calories per day, drink about 400-500 calories per day in alcohol.strange, i know. basically, i cut out a few hundred cals of food and replace it with alcohol. i might add that i am a vegetarian whose diet largely consists of mass amounts of veggies, potatoes, beans, rice, etc. (i eat only extremely healthy foods and plenty of water) so i consider the alcohol my “non-healthy calories” for the day.i know this is somewhat ‘twisted’, but is it truly that unhealthy? (especially compared to the fast-food indulgent americans these days.)oh and i smoke 3-5 cigarettes per day. i am not so much concerned with my lungs or liver, but with my absorbtion of nutrients, etc. thank you for your help!yes i eat tofu almost daily. i AM a controlled person. somewhat of a perfectionist, actually. the few cigs i smoke daily are not a significant amount and i feel everyone focusing on that. my point IS that everything i put into my body is extremely healthy, besides a few beers at the end of the evening. so can’t i think of beer as my “cake” for the day, basically? understand where i’m coming from?
A: From what you’ve said I think you should consume at least 1000-1200 calories a day, especially if you are a vegetarian. You are also underweight, which is fine as long as you give your body everything it needs. I would suggest drinking a soy protein shake at some point in the day, everyday. Also maybe cut your alcohol intake down to three nights a week. I only drink bourbon and I can tell after a night of heavy drinking how much my liver despises me. I bet yours is saying the same thing. Listen to your body.
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