Is mad cow disease contagious

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is mad cow disease contagious”,you can compare them.

Researchers believe that mad cow disease is contagious amongst animals, but it is not contagious to humans. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is mad cow disease contagious
Is mad cow disease contagious
Researchers believe that mad cow disease is contagious amongst animals, but it is not contagious to humans. ChaCha!
How do you get the Mad Cow disease?
Make sure you know where your meat is coming from. It’s not contagious to humans, and it takes years to develop in humans, so it is very difficult to treat straight away. It is however a very unpleasant disease, so be careful. Most meat tha…
What are the symptoms of Mad Cow Disease?
Humans who develop variant Credtzfeldt-Jakob disease from the food contaminated with Mad Cow develop several symptoms. vCJD is a degenerative brain disorder that is first of all incurable and second, fatal. vCJD is not contagious; you canno…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: Ok, when you cook meat/poultry/fish, what precentage of germs does it kill?also, is the Mad-Cow disease contagious to humans?(couldn’t find the word I was looking for) :]
A: Essentially all. What little is left is of no consequence and most of that is neutralized by stomach acid.Stopping the feeding of of cattle with meat and bone from other ruminants prevented the spread of the disease. There’s virtually no risk to humans unless we eat brain or nerve tissue. There’s no transmission through muscle meat or milk.
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