Is stills disease cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is stills disease cancer”,you can compare them.

Still’s disease, a disorder featuring inflammation, is characterized by high spiking fevers, evanescent (transient) salmon-colored rash, and/or arthritis. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is stills disease cancer
Is stills disease cancer
Still’s disease, a disorder featuring inflammation, is characterized by high spiking fevers, evanescent (transient) salmon-colored rash, and/or arthritis. Thanks for using ChaCha!
Are still dying of heart disease and cancer?
People today are surviving many forms of heart disease and cancer that were fatal 50 years ago. Today, cancer survival is above 50 percent. And cancers can be cured, for example, leukemia and Hodgkin’s disease. Vaccines for melanoma (skin c…
Can you still register to be an organ donor if you have a disease…?
In Australia, once you have been diagnosed with any cancer other than non-melanoma skin cancer, you are prohibited from donating anything other than corneas. Apparently corneas are non-replicating cells and cannot pass on cancer. Given that…

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is it possible to have serious lung disease or cancer and still be able to do rigorous cardio?
Q: I have been having a stinging feeling in the right lung area, i do smoke about five cigarettes a day and i used to smoke alot of marijuana. I say to myself that nothing could really be wrong if i can withstand a four mile run, and half a mile swim, plus stationary bycyle almost daily. I had a chest xray last year which showed no disease. Would i have this kind of cardiovascular endurance and still have lung cancer or lung disease caused by smoking?
A: Well, irregardless of whether you have cancer or not . . only your doctor can determine that . . the answer is that yes a person can have very advanced cancer and still be physically active.Young and very healthy people can endure and even mask the signs of cancer. Often they will dismiss the aches and pains and continue with their sport until the cancer is quite advanced and can no longer be ignored. I know that this is true because it happened to my 17 year old son. He was playing high school basketball right up until a few weeks before being diagnosed with stage IV abdominal sarcoma.So, yes it is possible for a young, healthy, active person to have advanced cancer, be asymptomatic, and not know.
Is it true that after operation of any cancer disease, the cell cancer is still exist?
Q: after we have an operation to throw the cancer, we are going better. but after several years, may be the cell cancer can exist again. is it true?
A: Not exactly. Cancer is determined by stages from 1 – 4 with 4 being the most advanced. Cancer is also determined by grades from low to high. Cancer that is in stage 1 and low grade may be removed surgically and never reappear in the life time of the patient. Same with stage 2. The complication comes in at stage 3 and stage 4, high grade tumors. These type of tumors are so advanced that they have not only taken on their own separate blood supply they have also either started or are already ‘spreading their seed’. Advanced cancer can ‘metastasized’ which means they can reproduce by sending out tiny microscopic ‘cells’ in a process called ‘seeding’.The microscopic cells can travel through the lymphatic system or the blood stream and lodge in distant sites away from the original tumor. That is what becomes difficult to treat.If a patient has only had surgery to remove the primary tumor, but the tumor has ‘seeded’ and spread to a distant site . . than in several years (time is actually undetermined) the seeded cancer (like spreading weeds) will appear. Because of the chances of metastasis doctors will often recommend systemic chemotherapy in the hopes of killing off those microscopic cells.So, in answer to your question . . it is not that a new type of cancer has appeared . . it is that the original cancer (or its seeds) have never really had been completely gone in the first place .. it was just too small to be seen.
Can you still register to be an organ donor if you have a disease like cancer? Can the non-affected organs…?
Q: still be used?I have Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and fully anticipate beating it, but I still want to register to be an organ donor just in case anything happens to me so at least my death wouldn’t be totally meaningless. I’m 17 and in my state you can register without parental consent, and besides cancer I’m very healthy. Can the organs of someone who died from cancer or another disease still be used? A girl from my support group died of a rarer type of lymphoma last week. I have no idea if she was registered to be a donor, but it has made me think about all this.I know this is a very macabre question, but I don’t know where else to ask it.
A: You ask a very interesting question, but you may want to post it in the medical section to get better responses.Ultimatley, It really depends on your state’s law. Some allow cancer survivors to donate if they have not had a remission in over 5 years. One of the few tissues that can be safely transplanted is the cornea, since it is usually free from cancerous cells. I’m only a doctorial student, and that is the extent of my knowledge.So to make it short: 5 years of remission (which may vary from state to state) and the cornea is an exception since it is safe to transplant.Thanks for asking this question. It’s very touching to hear a 17 year old show so much generosity.
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