Is there a genetic test for alzheimers disease

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there a genetic test for alzheimers disease”,you can compare them.

There are claims by Smart Genetics that they’ve developed technology to test for Alzheimer’s. Some don’t believe it’s possible. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a genetic test for alzheimers disease
Should I get a genetic test for Alzheimer’s disease??
Genetic studies have found an association between APOE-4 on chromosome 19 and the common form of Alzheimer’s disease that begins after age 60 years. For patients with a clinical diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, APOE testing may…
Should You Get a Genetic Test for Alzheimer’s Disease??
There has been considerable debate over the value of a test showing your risk for developing Alzheimer’s since the illness is incurable, and leads to a great deal of suffering. According to a new study discussed in the New York Times on Jul…
Is there a genetic test for Familial Alzheimer’s disease??
The family history, ages at diagnosis and neurological features in a family are used to determine the likelihood of Early-Onset Familial Alzheimer Disease and, if this condition is suspected, which gene(s) should be analyzed. It is generall…

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The Killer In Me?
Q: Just watching a programme on genetic diseases on ITV. Would you voluntarily get tested to see if you are going to end up with Alzheimers or heart disease or anything like that in later life or would you rather not know till it happens?I think for something like Alzheimers where there is no cure i would prefere not to know
A: i have huntingtons in my family, i don’t want to have the test, i’m not planning a family, if i had the test and it came back positive i would be waiting for things to happen to me, so the not knowing is best for me, i could get cancer or run over by a bus tomorrow, whatever will be will be, just live my life the best i can.
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