Is this disease cureable

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More Answers to “Is this disease cureable
Is tricamonus disease cureable?
trichamonas is treatable and curable std, , not to be confused with trichanosis from raw pork.
Is lime disease cureable?
I believe you mean Lyme. And that answer depends on at what stage it is diagnosed. Please go here for more information:…
Can u name some brain disease’s and are they cureable ??
Brain fever and cerebral haemorrhage. These can be cured if found in initial stages.

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Is cat gum disease cureable….?
Q: My cat has what appears to be a inflammed lower lip; it’s noticeably bigger. At first i feared it was a serious internal disease, but now i think it’s more likely a dental problem. if this is dentally associated, what can i do to improve his gum health? if he were to have gum disease is it reverseable and/or treatable. today i bought friskies dental diet dry food to help improve. his lower lip or gum appears to be inflammed. as i open his mouth it looks like the swelling goes back to his two front bottom teeth, kind of like his gum and his lower lip….? he’s young if that helps (turned 2 yrs. this month)what do you think? any suggestions would be helpful, please?P.S i do plan on taking him to the vet a.s.a.p.
A: Hi there…gum disease (gingivitis) that are caused by periodontal disorders can be managed. However, the problem with gingitivitis is the plaque has already hardened in to calculus on the teeth and underneath the gum line (part of the reason why you can see inflamed gums turning red), which cannot be scraped away with foods or treated with rinses. An ultrasonic scale needs to be used to remove the calculus in order to eliminate the gum inflammation. If gingival disorders are not medically treated it will later lead to painful periodontal diseases because of tissue and bone loss. Surgery will be required to remove teeth and necrotic tissues which have decayed as a result. Gingivitis and periodontal disorders later lead to other health problems because of the bacteria entering the blood stream. ONLY after a dental cleaning you can then use rinses and special treats in addition to regular brushing to minimize the recurrences of gingivitis and periodontal disorders.More on gingivitis and how it’s treated: video on how to brush cats teeth by Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine for Feline Health:
is schizophrenia cureable ???
Q: i am from india,my friend having this psychological problem from last 10 years and has been dependant on medicines. and his doctor saying he has severe problem . and the medicine will have to taken whole life. his parents could not care properly, as he sometimes taken no medicines and lose his balance of mind, and admitted to hospital few months practicing taking medicine. my friend is 28 years old at present. sometime he threats to run away from home ,as he has already run from home 2 times and after many days find their parents in very bad position and admitted ,and recover.IS THIS DISEASE CUREABLE OR NOT?please give me any suggestion anyone for my friend
A: It is currently NOT curable. It’s a disease that needs a constantwatch over, to keep in balance. As long as your friend stayson his medicine and takes it when his doctor perscribes, heshould be better, and less likely to have an ‘episode’ (when Isay that, I mean when he acts schizophrenic and has one ofthose times where you KNOW he’s having an episode). Sojust give your friend support to take his medication and makesure he sticks with it! I’ve heard of many cases where peoplesuffering from Schizophrenia think they’re okay enough toSTOP the medication, and then they just go back to how theywere… with uncontrollable episodes where you have troubletrying to keep them on the medication. If you’ve not seen themovie, A Beautiful Mind, I truly recommend you do. It mayeven help you get tips and suggestions to help out your friend.This movie is based off of a man named John Nash, and itis a Biography of how he struggled with HIS schizophrenia.I pray that your friend is okay, and learns to deal with his schizophrenia <3
Q: hey, i was wondering if anyone knew the diseases associated with hemoptysis (coughing blood from the lungs)/is it/ are the linked diseases cureable?? (i know this is a HUGE range/spectrum of problems) but for Any ones you might know of. / any other information you might know. i dont nessecarly need symptoms, but they would be nice.. thankyou so so much.BLessed be.
A: There are many underlying disorders that can cause hemoptysis (coughing up blood), ranging from heart problems to trauma to infections to lung disease. Worldwide, tuberculosis is the most common cause of hemoptysis. In industrialized countries, the most common causes are bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and bronchogenic carcinoma. In patients with AIDS, the most common cause of hemoptysis is pneumonia. In about 15% to 30% of cases, the underlying problem is never found—undiagnosed hemoptysis is commonly referred to as idiopathic hemoptysis. Other causes include pulmonary infarction or embolism, various heart problems, vascular disorders, pulmonary AVM , and trauma.Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections A mycobacterium is a type of bacteria that causes a variety of infections, including tuberculosis. A mycobacterial infection can destroy pulmonary tissue, usually by forming cavities in the airway walls. The hemoptysis that results is usually mild to moderate and may be associated with other symptoms, including unexplained weight loss, cough, purulent sputum (thick, opaque, yellowish white discharge), and a history of mycobacterial exposure. A chest x-ray usually shows signs of infection, including a visible cavity, and the mycobacterium should be microscopically visible in the patient’s sputum. Bronchitis Bronchitis is an inflammation and swelling of the bronchi that can be acute or chronic. It is a very common cause of hemoptysis that results from recurrent coughing that irritates and eventually breaks down the mucosal lining of the airways. The hemoptysis is usually mild and often associated with a purulent sputum (thick, opaque, yellowish-white discharge), low-grade fever and occasionally, wheezing. Usually the sputum is examined under the microscope to look for the pathogenic culprit. A chest x-ray is usually normal. The patient is usually prescribed cough suppressants and antibiotics. Bronchiectasis Bronchiectasis is a chronic dilation and consequent infection of the bronchioles and bronchi that results from obstruction in the bronchi. The dilation results from damage to the surrounding supportive tissue and is usually a result of infection or fibrosis (the abnormal formation of scar tissue). Cystic fibrosis is an example of a disease that leads to bronchiectasis. In addition to hemoptysis, patients with bronchiectasis often have a severe cough and chronic purulent sputum (thick, opaque, yellowish white discharge). Lung Cancer Bronchogenic carcinoma is cancer that originates in the lining of the bronchi. About 90% of lung cancers are bronchogenic. The other 10% begin in the bronchioles, alveoli, or trachea. Bronchogenic carcinoma is a less common cause of hemoptysis than bronchitis or bronchiectasis, but is an important one. Most cases of bronchogenic carcinoma occur in smokers. If the disease is advanced, patients may experience unaccountable weight loss and various other common symptoms of lung cancer. A chest x-ray can reveal the location of the neoplasm (tumor), and cancerous cells can often be detected in microscopic examination of the patient’s sputum. The diagnosis sometimes cannot be confirmed until the tissue is biopsied.Pneumonia Pneumonia is a lung infection caused by a number of different microorganisms. When a healthy person inhales one of these microbes, the immune system responds and prevents the microbe from reproducing and causing infection. But, in people with weakened immune systems (e.g., patients with AIDS), the microbes settle in the lungs, where they grow and multiply. As the lung tissue tries to protect itself, the lungs fill with liquid and pus. In addition to hemoptysis, other symptoms include a high fever, cough, and chest pain. Pulmonary infarction or embolism A pulmonary embolism is the sudden closure of a pulmonary artery due to a blood clot or presence of foreign material. Pulmonary infarction is the death of lung tissue due to the lack of oxygen resulting from a single embolism or several recurrent embolisms. Pulmonary embolism can be massive, resulting in death or severe shock; or it can be relatively mild. Infarction is a relatively uncommon cause of hemoptysis. Associated symptoms include chest pain (pleuritic chest pain in particular, meaning the pain is felt as the patient breathes in and out), cough, low-grade fever, tachypnea (rapid breathing), tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), and dyspnea (shortness of breath, even without exertion). The chest x-ray of a patient with a pulmonary infarction or embolism is usually normal, but there may be a couple of distinguishing features. Heart problems Mitral stenosis (a narrowing of the mitral valve that leads into the left ventricle) can lead to very mild hemoptysis—pink, frothy sputum with mild traces of blood. Other symptoms associated with left ventricular failure include orthopnea (difficulty breathing when lying down), paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND; a shortness of breath that appears suddenly at night, usually waking a person from sleep), and shortness of breath while exercising. Coagulopathy A coagulopathy (also known as a hypercoagulable state) is any disease that affects coagulability—the ability to of the blood to clot. In a patient with coagulopathy, clots cannot form after even mild trauma to the mucosal lining of the respiratory airways, leading to mild hemoptysis. Other signs of coagulopathy include epistaxis (nosebleed), purpura (appearance of lesions, or bruises, on the skin due to broken blood vessels), menorrhagia (excessively long or heavy periods), and hematuria (blood in the urine). Anticoagulants Anticoagulants are drugs commonly prescribed to prevent the formation of blood clots. They are often used to treat thromboembolic disorders (blood clot disorders; a thrombus is a clot and an embolism is the sudden closure of an artery due to a clot). Hemoptysis sometimes develops in people who take anticoagulant medication. Drug use In addition to anticoagulants, a variety of other drugs including aspirin, cocaine, and penicillamine (a drug used to treat lead poisoning and other disorders) are known to cause hemoptysis.
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