What are 7 effects of smoking

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Smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. Smoking is addictive and harmful to everybody around you. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-7-effects-of-smoking ]
More Answers to “What are 7 effects of smoking
What are 7 effects of smoking
Smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. Smoking is addictive and harmful to everybody around you. ChaCha!
Are there any side effects? smokerx, 7 day smoke.?
As with any substance taken internally for food or dietary purposes, the key is moderation. This program has been put carefully together with safety in mind and has achieved a synergy between the ingredients that are part of the product. On…

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Q: I quit 7 days ago and my gums are really sore. Is this an effect of quitting? Any other syptoms I should be aware of or prepare for?
A: Not sure of the symptoms but CONGRATULATIONS. Please stick with it! Ther are a nasty, dirty, flithy things.My mother smokes and my lungs have paid the price. However, she has had many gum problems over the years. Maybe the hurt is your gums starting to get HEALTHY and get all the crap out of them.
Loads of questions about smokings effects and some diseases?
Q: 1. Is bladder cancer one of the effects of smoking? (pls cite your info, where you got your ans from)2. What is bladder cancer? (can link me to some webpage or ans by yourself)3. What is pancreas? 4. Is it one of the effects of smoking?5. Is kidney cancer one of the effects of smoking?6. If yes, How is kidney cancer caused by smoking?7. What is chronic bronchitis?8. Is it an effect of smoking? 9. How can i learn more about it?10. What is emphysema?11. Is it a cause of smoking and if yes, why so? how is it caused by smoking?12. What are hormone levels? 13. Are they effects of smoking?14. If yes, explain how smoking affects hormone levels.15. Are bronchitis and pneumonia effects of smoking? What are they? How does smoking cause bronchitis and pneumonia?16. Does smoking dull senses of taste and smell? why? how?17. What component in a cigarette stains the teeth and how?18. how does smoking cause smoke, lung and mouth cancer?Plz ans some Q at least.
A: These web pages answer most of your questions. http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/Factsheets/health_effects.htmhttp://www.cancer.org/docroot/PED/content/PED_10_2X_Cigarette_Smoking.asphttp://www.ash.org.uk/html/factsheets/html/fact08.html
What are the harmful effects of light smoking and drinking wine during pregnancy? I DON’T DO IT!?
Q: I don’t do it. This is for jo-momma:Are you up here 24/7? You seem to answer every single one of my questions with a rude comment. Are you a Christian? If you are, act like one.I’m just curious. No rude comments, please.
A: well birth defects and mental retardation mostly for smoking but wines as long as u dont drink in large amounts ur fine
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