What are diseases you can get from high school wrestling

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Herpes Gladiatorum is a disease that you can get from wrestling. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-diseases-you-can-get-from-high-school-wrestling ]
More Answers to “What are diseases you can get from high school wrestling
Do you think my son can play wrestling in highschool with a disea…?
I think this is something you need to talk about seriously with his doctors and perhaps the coaches or athletic adviser, counselor. Involve everyone you can. I’m betting sports or physical training would be a good thing, but which one may b…

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What do you think of my college essay?
Q: I’d like as much constructive criticism as I can possibly get. Thanks for any advice you can offer! Ever since I was in pre-school, I was known as the “big man on campus”. Growing up in a family with a history of diabetes, heart conditions, and numerous other problems associated with being overweight, it was no surprise that I was bigger than most kids my age when I was younger. My father even had to go as far as having gastric bypass surgery to save himself from the overeating “disease” he was suffering from. Being young and heavy was very stressful, as more than once I was the victim of abuse by my peers- and my “friends”. Yet, despite the ridicule I often received, I never caved in and retaliated, nor did I let the hurtful words kill my spirit. By the time I reached middle school, the insults were at an all time high. Looking back on it, there was plenty I could have done to help myself lose weight; dieting, exercise; the options were endless, yet I never had the motivation to do it. I was 5’9, 215 pounds when I graduated the eighth grade. High school was a fresh start for me. While I was still very heavy, I was confident that I could lose the weight. I was wrong. I slowly began putting more weight onto my body, and it was killing me on the inside. I so longed for an opportunity to be thin, and during my freshmen year, an opportunity arose.I have and always will be an avid sports fan, particularly baseball. When time for the spring baseball tryouts came along, I was eager to make an attempt at making the team. When word got around the school that I was going to try out, the insults rose up and my self–confidence shot down. What I considered an opportunity to help heal my body, others felt was a great opportunity to get some quick laughs. I did not let this discourage me. I, along with twelve or more other freshmen, as well as numerous sophomores, juniors, and seniors all went into the tryouts with our hopes high. Of the new 19-man roster, six were freshmen, including myself. I was victorious. I had truly defied the odds, as I, the “fat kid” at Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy, had beaten out the “skinny kids” for a chance at sports glory. It was truly one of the greatest accomplishments of my 17-year-old life.As it stands, I am still overweight. Yet, little by little, I can feel myself gaining the confidence to improve my physical image. I continue to play baseball for my school, and I look forward to the start of my fourth consecutive season on the team. I have found another passion in the sport of wrestling as well. By overcoming the physical hardships I have endured over the course of my life, it has helped me become the person I am today. Playing baseball is something I love to do, and being able to play while going against the odds, well, that just makes the game that much more satisfying. I am happy with the person I am, and nothing will ever change that. Looking into the future, I see myself bringing a positive attitude wherever I may go. Whether it be high school, college, or the “real world”, my outlook on life will forever be the same, and I therefore hope to make a difference in not only my life, but in the lives of others as well. I am lucky to have met people in my life who’ve inspired me beyond belief, and I wish to do the same by sharing my story with all those who seek the same things I’ve been searching for my entire life.
A: “By overcoming the physical hardships I have endured over the course of my life”what are you talking about, before you wrote:”there was plenty I could have done to help myself lose weight; dieting, exercise; the options were endless, yet I never had the motivation to do it.”So, you weren’t overcoming hardship, you were overcoming your own laziness and lack of motivation – you said it yourself in the essay.I’d say rewrite. Stop trying to make people feel bad for you – thats not the point of the college essay.
Tips on healthy eating??????
Q: Hey people, I’m about to ask a very long question, summarizing about my life and problems, so please bear with me.First I’ll start off , I’m Ali (not real name) and i am 13 years old, i am about 5 foot 4 and a half and weigh 106, i used to weigh 116 but lost some over the summer. Unfortunately the unhealthy way.I’ll start from the beginning, I read how eating saturated/trans fats are fats that may accelerate tumor cells (cancer) growth, i also read how it may increase your risk for stroke, heart attack, and Heart disease. I got terrified, i told my mother and she told me to stop freaking out, but the problem is that all my life she cooked high fat foods, always fried, and i ate tons of cookies, cakes and unhealthy stuff. So i decided to go healthy, i tried but then it lead to me eating little and then i would binge on pizza, cereal, a lot of food, too much, way too much. The worst problem was that the past 3 years i just sat in from of the TV and computer all day, other than school, im surprised im at a healthy weight.So i continued to heat healthier and end up binging in the thing i was scared of, food, food that was advertised, food that so many people eat a day and never get sick , food i hated yet loved at the same time-bitter sweet. This continued on , and i started exercise, 20 min each day on my exercise bike but i got bored, so after about a month of so i stopped. The past time, just lately i ate normally, eating healthyish but binging sometiems on too much cereal(the whole grain kind though) instead of excersice i just stayed moving, wrestling with my brother, helping with dinner cleaning my room, ect. Unfortunatly i also went on numerous crash diets, which lead to the binges, then i would purge some, i did this for a while, so today i ate all healthybreakfast wrap with cheese , chicken, red peppers, (lean chicken , low fat cheese, whole grain tortilla) lunch grilled cheese sandwhich on rye bread, with low fat cheese, and broccolie, and 1 cup of OJ(natural)carrot and NO FAT yogurt for snackthen the binge:cereal in handfuls(whole grain though, and “crisp rice”)i ate all my parents pizza crusts and kept sneacking bites of actual pizza, i ate 1 more no fat yogurt, i ate some crackers, and drank chocolate milk..i ate a crton of raspberries, and a carton of blueberriesso as you can see my diet is strange, so very unhealthy, Now im scared that i migt develop cancer, i know that like 40 year olds eat WAAAAAY worse than me and stuff, and live, but i am so ready for a change. Tomorrow i start, keeping active and eating a lot of low fat foods, and fruits and veggies.ALl my friends dont care about their health and eat way worse than mei read that if you eat super healthy cancer that may delelop or already is may stop and ie if you starve it(no sugar) and eat a lot of cancer killing foods..i already did beofre kinda, and i convinced my mom to cook with olive oil from now onso:1.Do you think i may have started to develop cancer at 13, (and i havent eating THAT bad, before just now i have)2. If i eat healthy, excersise and try hard, will my risk go down? If i develpoed some already will it stop?3. Ant tips on eating well, and excersising4. ther is no cancer history sa i know ffor my family is this a lwer risk for ,me?5.I got my HPV shot, and my parents smoke and i smeel their smoke sometimes..what about those factors?6. i live in a building adn ther are fumes from renovaters above us, and i stay home alot what about that?7. So tell me everything, if you have tips and a lost on cancer killing food please tell thembut my main question is: DO you think that if i have developed cacner in me and it is growing, and i start will it die, will i be okay?? IS IT TOO LATE FOR ME TO CHANGE??WILL I BE HEALTHY?thanks alot1 more thing i eat aspartame in gum , is this linked to cancersome things that come and go in me are: seeing sars i saw these for a month before and my doc. said if tehres no link to anything ill be fine, after i ate healthier and stayed more active they went away, i sometimes get a werid pain in the bakck of my head, my doc said if it comes and goes and isnt chronic i shouldnt worryso i guiess im healthy, but i ant to be healthier. phyicaly im fine, im not fat, slim, could lose a little weight, i look pale lately becasue of my unbalanced meal, when i wake up i feel groggy and confused and weird, this happens to me everyweek wend because i go to bed late and wake up late and my sleep gets disruppted..what about that?and do disposable water bottles give you cancer??thanks sorry for all of thisbutthanks.
A: Okay, well I’m not gonna lie, only read the first part because this was so ginormously long. There is no way I’m reading all of that.However, having worked with seven registered dieticians, here’s the basics – although you should definitely talk to a dietican yourself.Healthy means a balance. Balance, variety, and moderation. No one food is “bad” for you. We need 3 main macronutrients: carbs – our main energy source, protein – muscles etc., fats – satiety & flavor. All three are extremely important. Fats are not unhealthy. You actually need a certain amount of saturated fat (yes, saturated) in your diet.Here’s a good sample mealplan: Breakfast: 2-3 grains, 1 oz. protein, 1-2 fats/lipids, 1 fruitLunch: 2-3 grains, 2-3 oz. protein, 1-2 fats/lipids, 1 fruit/dessert, 1 vegetableDinner: 2-3 grains, 2-3 oz. protein, 1-2 fats/lipids, 1 fruit/dessert, 1 vegetableAnd snacks in between usually. (Usually at least one)The American Heart Associated recommends 3-5 days per week, 30-60 minutes, of activity/exercise. Find something you enjoy; don’t make it a chore.Hope that helps 🙂
Anybody have any tips on healthy eating and Cancer prevention.?
Q: Hey people, I’m about to ask a very long question, summarizing about my life and problems, so please bear with me.First I’ll start off , I’m Ali (not real name) and i am 13 years old, i am about 5 foot 4 and a half and weigh 106, i used to weigh 116 but lost some over the summer. Unfortunately the unhealthy way. I’ll start from the beginning, I read how eating saturated/trans fats are fats that may accelerate tumor cells (cancer) growth, i also read how it may increase your risk for stroke, heart attack, and Heart disease. I got terrified, i told my mother and she told me to stop freaking out, but the problem is that all my life she cooked high fat foods, always fried, and i ate tons of cookies, cakes and unhealthy stuff. So i decided to go healthy, i tried but then it lead to me eating little and then i would binge on pizza, cereal, a lot of food, too much, way too much. The worst problem was that the past 3 years i just sat in from of the TV and computer all day, other than school, im surprised im at a healthy weight.So i continued to heat healthier and end up binging in the thing i was scared of, food, food that was advertised, food that so many people eat a day and never get sick , food i hated yet loved at the same time-bitter sweet. This continued on , and i started exercise, 20 min each day on my exercise bike but i got bored, so after about a month of so i stopped. The past time, just lately i ate normally, eating healthyish but binging sometiems on too much cereal(the whole grain kind though) instead of excersice i just stayed moving, wrestling with my brother, helping with dinner cleaning my room, ect. Unfortunatly i also went on numerous crash diets, which lead to the binges, then i would purge some, i did this for a while, so today i ate all healthybreakfast wrap with cheese , chicken, red peppers, (lean chicken , low fat cheese, whole grain tortilla) lunch grilled cheese sandwhich on rye bread, with low fat cheese, and broccolie, and 1 cup of OJ(natural)carrot and NO FAT yogurt for snackthen the binge:cereal in handfuls(whole grain though, and “crisp rice”)i ate all my parents pizza crusts and kept sneacking bites of actual pizza, i ate 1 more no fat yogurt, i ate some crackers, and drank chocolate milk..i ate a crton of raspberries, and a carton of blueberriesso as you can see my diet is strange, so very unhealthy, Now im scared that i migt develop cancer, i know that like 40 year olds eat WAAAAAY worse than me and stuff, and live, but i am so ready for a change. Tomorrow i start, keeping active and eating a lot of low fat foods, and fruits and veggies.ALl my friends dont care about their health and eat way worse than mei read that if you eat super healthy cancer that may delelop or already is may stop and ie if you starve it(no sugar) and eat a lot of cancer killing foods..i already did beofre kinda, and i convinced my mom to cook with olive oil from now onso:1.Do you think i may have started to develop cancer at 13, (and i havent eating THAT bad, before just now i have)2. If i eat healthy, excersise and try hard, will my risk go down? If i develpoed some already will it stop?3. Ant tips on eating well, and excersising4. ther is no cancer history sa i know ffor my family is this a lwer risk for ,me?5.I got my HPV shot, and my parents smoke and i smeel their smoke sometimes..what about those factors?6. i live in a building adn ther are fumes from renovaters above us, and i stay home alot what about that?7. So tell me everything, if you have tips and a lost on cancer killing food please tell thembut my main question is: DO you think that if i have developed cacner in me and it is growing, and i start will it die, will i be okay?? IS IT TOO LATE FOR ME TO CHANGE??WILL I BE HEALTHY?thanks alot1 more thing i eat aspartame in gum , is this linked to cancersome things that come and go in me are: seeing sars i saw these for a month before and my doc. said if tehres no link to anything ill be fine, after i ate healthier and stayed more active they went away, i sometimes get a werid pain in the bakck of my head, my doc said if it comes and goes and isnt chronic i shouldnt worryso i guiess im healthy, but i ant to be healthier. phyicaly im fine, im not fat, slim, could lose a little weight, i look pale lately becasue of my unbalanced meal, when i wake up i feel groggy and confused and weird, this happens to me everyweek wend because i go to bed late and wake up late and my sleep gets disruppted..what about that?and do disposable water bottles give you cancer??thanks sorry for all of thisbutthanks.
A: Way too much information but cancer loves sugar, so eat less sugars or if you do, eat complex carbohydrates. Fresh vegetables and fruits are good and I read a book that cancer hates…* citrus, cabbage, Omega 3 foods like eggs, and garlic just to name a few.Fuel your body with the best foods that you can, if you think something is bad it probably is.Good luck.
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