What are some benefits to alcohol consumption

Health related question in topics Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some benefits to alcohol consumption”,you can compare them.

It reduces your risk of developing heart disease, possibly reduces your risk of strokes, your risk of gallstones and diabetes! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-benefits-to-alcohol-consumption ]
More Answers to “What are some benefits to alcohol consumption
What are the Risks and Benefits of Alcohol Consumption??
Although there are potential benefits to moderate drinking, there are also risks. Benefits are cancelled out by anything more than moderate alcohol consumption .
Are there any health benefits to alcohol consumption at all??
1 glass of red wine has more vitamins in than an apple, also Guiness stout is the only beer as its contents is high in iron., as far as I know thats it and if you drink too much wine it kills the vitamins anyway and Guiness puts on weight. …
Will alcohol consumption affect the benefits of Cardio 360®??
Undoubtedly you have heard about certain cardiovascular benefits of drinking red wine. We do not deny those, but they are limited in scope or benefits. We caution you that alcohol can add a complex mix of organic chemicals and preservatives…

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I need some advice with a consumption of alcohol in public in north dakota?
Q: I was out on a Saturday night with two friends. We walked out of the bar in a large crowd with our beers in hand to go a blok away to another bar. Two bike cops spotted the beers and gave us all tickets. They were hauled into jail because they are from 180 miles away in MN and were forced to bond out. The bond amount is $100 but it is a class B misdemeanor so I want to know what the most realistic result will be of my court date. I wasn’t disrespectful at all but my buddies did mouth off a little bit at first. We have different court dates which may benefit me the best. Any help is greatly appreciated.Just an added note…I have no previous record besides a speeding ticket from around 4 years ago and on the state website it says that a class B can be up to $1000 and 18 months in jail but there are for more serious offenses than this on the list of class B’s. This actually seems to be on the low side.
A: Basically paint the prettiest picture of yourself. You don’t need to say anything about your friends. Its just not worth it. Don’t tell them about any other drug use or alcohol consumption charges unless they’re already on record. Otherwise you’ll just give them a reason to screw you over. What you’re really looking at is a fine (I would imagine under 500 dollars) and maybe community service that might include attending an alcohol awareness seminar. You might get up to a year of probation, but I doubt that. I doubt you would go to jail unless north dakota has a no tollerance policy. Even then you’re not looking at serious time and you will probably be put into some alternative program like the ankle monitor or work release. I still doubt it’ll come to that though, unless this is not your first offense or your state has a minimum jail amount written in the statutes of the corresponding law that is.Other than that, just stay cool, remember to breathe. I know the judge may seem like an evil dragon, but it is a pretty minor offense.For your new details: Yes a class B misdemeanor can mean up to so much in terms of cost and jail time but really those limits are for repeat offenders and special circumstances. Where you might get snagged is if the state statutes have a minimum amount in terms of fines and jail time. For example here in Colorado a DUI where the offender has a BAC over .200 means a mandatory minimum jail time of 10 days. Ten days is nothing.Bottom line is make sure you talk to the DA or ADA before your case goes to court. Make sure you know what you were charged with and what the prosecutors are looking to stick to you for punishment. You might try to negotiate a lesser senstance if you agree to more community service hours or a larger fine.
what grade would you give me on my paper and exactly why?
Q: the purpose of this paper is to review a specific treatment model or approachCollege students binge drink for many reasons, which results in long-term health risks. Many college students binge drink in order to fit in with fraternity, sororities members, and/or dormitories that sometimes insists on having young college students to drink especially lots of types of alcoholic drinks. College students drink a variety of alcoholic beverages from light to heavy alcoholic beverages that increase health risks and psychological health risks. Treatments such as motivational interviewing can help lessen the consumption of alcohol and allow the college students who binge drink to slowly recover from this disease they have developed of binge drinking. Means comparisons indicated that both groups showed reductions in alcohol-related problems, however, only the Motivational Interviewing sample evidenced significant reductions in binge drinking (Feldstein, S., & Forcehimes, A., 2007). Misuse of alcohol can lead to a wide range of consequences, the most severe being alcohol abuse, dependence, and death (Devos-Comby, L. & Lange, J., 2008). The median number of drinks in a row that a college man or women must have to be called a binge drinker is 6 for a man and 5 for a woman (Wechsler, H., & Kuo, M. (2000). Treatments such as motivational interviewing can benefit specifically college students who drink alcohol in sororities or fraternities that, binge drink. Binge drinking is a common problem that many college students are facing throughout their college lives. There are many alcoholic specific treatments that offer a wide range of help to allow those who suffer from binge drinking to be able to recovery from the alcoholic abuse. There are a couple of successful ways in which binge drinking can be helped. Findings show that more education and provision of coping skills training during treatment may influence self-efficacy by increasing the coping resources of a patient with SUD (McKellar, Ilgen & Moos, 2008).The present findings suggest that individuals who report the greatest initial improvements in alcohol-related problems and impulsivity may have difficulty maintaining a high level of self-efficacy (McKellar, Ilgen & Moos, 2008). One brief intervention, motivational interviewing (MI) has shown efficacy in reducing alcohol-related problems in college samples (Feldstein, S., & Forcehimes, A., 2007). When compared with MI, other interventions have also reduced student drinking, necessitating the inclusion of a control condition when evaluatingMI (Feldstein, S., & Forcehimes, A., 2007). While participants reported feeling increased discrepancy from their peers and increased desire to reduce drinking, no behavior change emerged (Feldstein, S., & Forcehimes, A., 2007). Alcohol students encounter binge drinking due to a form of social entertainment with other college students. Alcohol is the main factor in which students have no control since the process to reduce alcohol consumption is a difficult process. Some types of treatments to consider for alcoholic students are detoxification. Also college students have a hard time in understanding themselves. There are many factors that contribute to alcohol such as society, pressure, and stress. As a college student, alcohol is a way to release the negativity of life and just use alcohol as a mean to numb the pain one goes through. In order to understand what treatment is best for oneself several steps should be considered to see which treatment is best for one. Consideration of selection and socialization effects is central to understanding how substance use relates to fraternity, and sorority membership (McCabe, Schulenberg, Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman & Kloska, 2005).There are college students who already started to drink and therefore want to become associated with sororities or fraternities in order to drink more excessively without limitations. Undergraduate students who are heavy drinkers before starting college may tend to select specific fraternities and sororities with a reputation for ‘partying’ and heavy drinking; In turn, being a member of such fraternities or sororities serves to increase their heavy drinking (McCabe, S., Schulenberg, J., Johnston, L., O’Malley, P., Bachman, J., & Kloska, D. (2005).The lack of a significant interaction between gender and group membership indicates that the brief intervention resulted in comparable drinking reductions in women and men (Borsari & Carey, 2000). One of the treatments that are used with college binge drinking students is brief motivational interviewing. First, the interviewer helped the student review personal alcohol use in the past month, which was then compared with both campus and national norms (Borsari & Carey, 2000). College students binge drink for numerous reasons. In the context of substance use, an individual can use drugs or alcohol as an avoidance strategy to try to reduce dis
A: your essay seems to cut off again a little too prematurely.Refer to the answer and reasons given in the original question as I stated what problems you needed to fix. There are some grammatical errors as well, but I’d fix the major ones first. Also, the other problems I see is the order you present the information in. It seems to hop from introduction to resolution to problem rather than introduction, problem, then resolution and conclusion. I hope you get some more input, but good luck.NOTE: As the first person replied, your grade level isn’t really specified.
What do you think of my essay?
Q: During the Second Great Awakening, reform movements sprouted throughout antebellum America. Some included juvenile delinquency, abolition, temperance and education. Leaders of these movements tried to expand democratic ideals. Though America has gone through a lot since the country was first formed, it has not been long. The government still needed to refine its laws that would best benefit its citizens One in example being the treatment of juvenile delinquents. The country treated criminals under the age of 18 as they would criminals over the age of 18; a harsh penitentiary system of prison discipline. Yet this discipline was very harsh, and a distinction between these age groups needed to be made. They still had a chance to change their ideals, and become better people. But whether the government has or should have the ability to enforce some laws that would directly affect a citizen’s freedoms is the line where in some cases they are crossing; for example, the temperance reform. This reform movement wanted to restrict, or completely stop the consumption and production of alcohol. This would have the government deep into the affairs of its citizens, giving it too much power. Which would kind of contradict the idea of expanding democratic ideals since the government would be restricting some rights. Plus trying to create a new society by disbanding some old laws or restricting some things that people wouldn’t like would also deem this government faulty.Overall, whether these reform leaders actually sought for the expansion of democratic ideals could be widely argued. These reforms could have challenged the rights of some citizens, yet help others.
A: I agree the essay is short. The essay has good content but the way it is written sounds like you are talking, “Plus trying to create a new society by disbanding some old laws or restricting some things that people wouldn’t like would also deem this government faulty.” Did you use any resources for your essay?
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