What are the different types of personality diseases

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the different types of personality diseases”,you can compare them.

A few personality disorders are: Paranoid Personality, Schizoid Personality, Schizotypal Personality, Histrionic Personality MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-different-types-of-personality-diseases ]
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Is it possible for a person to have four (4) different personality disorders?
Q: I am researching different personality disorders to try and get a handle on a friend of mine. She will not go to a general practitioner or any form of psychiatrist or psychologist. I have found four different kinds of personality disorders that fit her behavior. My question is can a person have four different personality disorders or are they rolled into an all-inclusive disease?So far:–>She is “textbook” Borderline Personality Disorder ——>She has all of the behavior of BPD, which is shown in people who have Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, and the EUPD has two categories of Impulsive and Borderline, and she fits both. ————->She shows symptoms of having Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Dependent Personality Disorder.From what I’ve read the person must be BPD before they can meet criteria to be EUPD, then there is the Impulsive type of EUPD, and you have to have the Impulsive type behavior and a combination of other behaviors to satisfy the EUPD Borderline type criteria. So, I can understand how the BPD, EUPD, and the two forms of EUPD can all be combined, but what about the Dependent and Narcissistic Personality Disorders? Is it possible to be all of the above or do they combine into a more severe personality disorder?Anshi- I realize that your age may make it difficult for you to comprehend the question. I never said that I was a doctor, and you can’t force someone to see a doctor. I would advise you to answer questions in more adolescent categories that would better suit your expertise.
A: This can happen in cases of Dissociative Identity Disorder, which is addressed in section 17, at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris Therapist can find medicating such combinations of disorders to be an absolute nightmare. You could try to get some of her handwriting, when in each “alter”, or subpersonality, and compare them. In cases of true D.I.D., they are often in different hands. Also ask her if she has any blocks of time which she can’t account for, or has bills/charges for things she doesn’t remember getting.If, however, she is resistant to treatment, there is really little you can do, except provide her with insight, and resources, such as some of the books on D.I.D., & B.P.D., in sections 17, & 15, at ezy build, & http://samvak.tripod.com & http://www.chameleongroup.org.uk/npd/first_step.html & http://www.mental-health-today.com & http://www.womenspsychotherapy.com In cases of D.I.D., there is often one, or more “alter” which sees therapy as a threat to its continued existence.
Does this list of common questions and answers about tattoo’s help?
Q: So I woke up this morning to find that this question had been removed for some reason so I am posting it again for your enjoyment as I had some great responses yesterday. Enjoy1. Does it hurt? No of course not. This is just an urban myth so that everyone doesnt go out and get tattooed. Tattoos are not applied using a tattoo machine. This is just a special effect used by tv shows. All my tattoos were licked on by kittens. Different coloured kittens for the different colors of ink.2. How much will it cost? Actually tattoo artists feel so privileged to let them tattoo you that they will actually pay you.3. How do I get rid of my tattoo? Most people don’t know this but there are a few methods. The human body is actually like a giant etch-o-sketch. Just shake yourself really hard and the tattoo will disapear. The second most reliable method for tattoo removal is the wizard of oz method. Just hold your hand over the tattoo you want removed and close your eyes and click your heels together while saying tattoo be gone 3 times and your tattoo should disapear.4. Can I make my own tattoo machine or make my own tattoo? Well of course you can. Tattoo artists only go through years of aprenticeship and training for the fun of it. Just use any old ink you have lying around, and some sort of pin or needle and go for it. It should come out looking like Da Vinci did it. Don’t worry about cleanliness and infection. Having a tattoo automatically protects you from any nasty diseases you may get.5. What tattoo should I get? It doesnt matter really. Tattoo artists just start to tattoo with their eyes closed and are magically inspired by the tattoo gods to give you the perfect tattoo for you. Each tattoo is unique and individual to your exact personality type and emotional state at the time. So just blindly walk into a studio and say you want a tattoo and they will know exactly what to do for you.6. If I am under the legal age can I get a tattoo? Sure you can. Since tattoo’s are so easy to put on and take off, any reputable shop will gladly tattoo you no matter what age you are regardless of parental consent. Don’t forget, you and your friends can always do it yourself if you are having a hard time finding an artist to do one for you.7. Is my tattoo infected? Of course not. Tattoos magically protect you from infection and disease.8. What cream should I use on my tattoo? Well since you weren’t paying attention to the aftercare instructions that your artist gave you I will let you in on a little secret. The best cream to use on a tattoo is the semen of a righteous man. Preferably the Dali Lama. Just go onto ebay and get a big bottle. It should last a while.9. Should I get a tattoo on my hands, neck, feet, face, palms, and soles of the feet? Yes, definately. Go for it. It is always a good idea, especially the face.10. Who is the best tattoo artist in my city? You are of course!! No one knows how to tattoo you better than yourself. So pick up that dirty safety pin and break open that sharpie and go nuts.11. Do you like my tattoo? Yes. The hazy, out of focus photobucket picture of your heart/ flower/ imp/ pixie/ fairy/ teletubby is fricking amazing. Welcome to the cool brigade, my friend12. How soon can I drink/tan/workout after a tattoo?Never. Getting a tattoo is a most sacred tradition. One you have tattooed your temple you may never violate it again…Brittany: Actually, I have thoroughly looked through the guidelines for YA and nothing in this post violates any of those guidlines. So no, I have no idea why it keeps getting removed other than the fact that one un-named person who doesn’t have a sense of humor keeps reporting my post and instead of reading it, YA just removes it. And personally I couldn’t care less if you think its funny or not. Enough people have responded positively that once again you are in the minority. IF you dont want to read my post, than dont click on it. Its not like I am forcing you to read it am I.By the way, I have only re posted this three times. Maybe if you stop reporting this than I will stop re posting it? Ever think of that?BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! Sure I have posted this a couple of times, but the first time I posted it , it was not in violation of any terms. As far as posting it to get points, dont you realize that it COSTS points to post a question. IF I wanted points all I would have to do is answer every question I see with a one word answer. As far as this being a rant. It is not a rant!! Exactly where in my post do you see me ranting?? If having a sense of humor and posting something that most of the others on here have found humorous is ranting then yes I guess this is a rant, but I doubt it. Also, if you would be bothered to read, this post is formed as a question!! I asked if anyone found this list helpfull. How is this different from people asking “what do you think of this tattoo?” and posting a pic? Instead of posting a pic, I posted a list. Furthermore, since only two or three people have posted neg comments its not that hard to figure out who might have reported my post.Brittany and Mandy, not once did I say that I thought you were the ones that reported me. All I said is that I only recieved a handfull of negative comments so it wouldnt be too hard to figure out who reported me. However your knee jerk reactions to my innocent statement could lead one to believe that you may be dealing with some underlying guilt issues lol. As for how old I am, probably a lot older than the two of you.
A: LMAO!!!! Yes i think you have pretty much summed it up! I dont know why they would have removed this. They should make it mandatory to read if you want to enter the tattoo section of Y!A. Again, thanx for the laugh!
Does this list of common Q & A’s about tattoos help?
Q: 1. Does it hurt? No of course not. This is just an urban myth so that everyone doesnt go out and get tattooed. Tattoos are not applied using a tattoo machine. This is just a special effect used by tv shows. All my tattoos were licked on by kittens. Different coloured kittens for the different colors of ink.2. How much will it cost? Actually tattoo artists feel so privileged to let them tattoo you that they will actually pay you.3. How do I get rid of my tattoo? Most people don’t know this but there are a few methods. The human body is actually like a giant etch-o-sketch. Just shake yourself really hard and the tattoo will disapear. The second most reliable method for tattoo removal is the wizard of oz method. Just hold your hand over the tattoo you want removed and close your eyes and click your heels together while saying tattoo be gone 3 times and your tattoo should disapear.4. Can I make my own tattoo machine or make my own tattoo? Well of course you can. Tattoo artists only go through years of aprenticeship and training for the fun of it. Just use any old ink you have lying around, and some sort of pin or needle and go for it. It should come out looking like Da Vinci did it. Don’t worry about cleanliness and infection. Having a tattoo automatically protects you from any nasty diseases you may get.5. What tattoo should I get? It doesnt matter really. Tattoo artists just start to tattoo with their eyes closed and are magically inspired by the tattoo gods to give you the perfect tattoo for you. Each tattoo is unique and individual to your exact personality type and emotional state at the time. So just blindly walk into a studio and say you want a tattoo and they will know exactly what to do for you.6. If I am under the legal age can I get a tattoo? Sure you can. Since tattoo’s are so easy to put on and take off, any reputable shop will gladly tattoo you no matter what age you are regardless of parental consent. Don’t forget, you and your friends can always do it yourself if you are having a hard time finding an artist to do one for you.7. Is my tattoo infected? Of course not. Tattoos magically protect you from infection and disease.8. What cream should I use on my tattoo? Well since you weren’t paying attention to the aftercare instructions that your artist gave you I will let you in on a little secret. The best cream to use on a tattoo is the semen of a righteous man. Preferably the Dali Lama. Just go onto ebay and get a big bottle. It should last a while.9. Should I get a tattoo on my hands, neck, feet, face, palms, and soles of the feet? Yes, definately. Go for it. It is always a good idea, especially the face.10. Who is the best tattoo artist in my city? You are of course!! No one knows how to tattoo you better than yourself. So pick up that dirty safety pin and break open that sharpie and go nuts.11. Do you like my tattoo? Yes. The hazy, out of focus photobucket picture of your heart/ flower/ imp/ pixie/ fairy/ teletubby is fricking amazing. Welcome to the cool brigade, my friend12. How soon can I drink/tan/workout after a tattoo?Never. Getting a tattoo is a most sacred tradition. One you have tattooed your temple you may never violate it again…Jenny, since you don’t seem to get sick of people asking the same questions over and over, why are you annoyed by my post. I am just trying to answer the most common questions asked on here so they dont get posted over and over. This is a valuable public service. If you dont like it don’t click on my question.Kermit J: I would consider it an honor if any artist posted this at their shop. Feel free to pass it along to anyone you think would get a kick out of it. The positive responses I have gotten from tattoo artists more than makes up for the negative comments. Thanks to all others with positive comments or funny negative comments.
A: HAHAHAHAHA!!! THIS ONE’S GETTIN POSTED DOWN AT THE SHOP HA HAHAHE HE!!! Thanks, from the folks down at Adrenaline Tattoos!! You Rock!
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