What are the signs of a heart attack and heart disease

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Signs of a heart attack include Pain, fullness, and/or squeezing sensation of the chest, Jaw pain, toothache, headache. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-signs-of-a-heart-attack-and-heart-disease ]
More Answers to “What are the signs of a heart attack and heart disease
What are the signs of a heart attack and heart disease
Signs of a heart attack include Pain, fullness, and/or squeezing sensation of the chest, Jaw pain, toothache, headache.

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Hi i have some homework about heart disease please help?
Q: 1. Most peopleno when they are going to have a heart attack. true or false2.how many people die a minute from a heart attack?3.Because the body doesn’t make cholesterol, it is wise to consume a diet that contains a modest amount of cholesterol. true or false4.What has been fighting heart disease for over ? yrs.5.Does heart disease have a cure?6.Do men and women have the same heart attack signs?7.Low blood pressure can reduce the risk of a heart attack?8.Most people who unknowingly suffer from heart disease will die of a heart attack true or false9.Most people know that they have heart disease before they have a heart attack?10. What is the number one killer in women?11. HDL is a major contributing factor for heart disease? true or false12.Statin drugs were shown not to be beneficial for people with high cholesterol? true or false
A: You can find stacks of relevant information in web searches for “heart disease facts” and “heart disease information”.
hereditary heart disease?
Q: My grandmother on my father’s side dropped dead at 40 while anging clothes from a massive heart attack with no previous signs.My grandfather (also father’s side) had bypass surgery after a heart attack when he was fifty and numerous surgeries since then (he’s now 70).My father had his first heart attack when he was 32, then has had bypass surgery 4 times since then, twelve years ago (inlcuding quadruple bypass).On my mom’s side nobody ever has heart disease (except my aunt who has slow heart rate and a weak heart).I am 22 years old, have already had two children (preeclampsia with both). I am very overweight, weiging 270 lbs. for the last 2 years. My BP is good (avg. 130/73), and so is my cholesterol (total is below 200 level, but my good is a little low and my bad is a little high). I have very fast resting pulse, and occasionally my heart will skip beats (like a record skipping). Also, random sharp stabbing chest pain.Even though I’m young, could I have heart disease, or could it be from my severe panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder? I know I need to lose weight (WORKING ON IT), but what are the chances my heart is “bad” or that I am in danger because of it? Thanks for any help!!!Is this anxiety/panic/PTSD related?Could it be heart disease?Does my age mean anything regarding risk factors for heart disease?
A: Hereditary heart disease tends to start to grow up at the same time that the rest of your body does, at puberty. It is normal for a heart disease to grow steadily worse during a person’s teenage years, usually undetected, if a person has one. Also you being overweight would only make the condition worse, if you have one. Could it be something else? YES. This is something only a set of diagnostic tests can diagnose. Let doctor help you find out. No one here can do more than answer your question with vague answers like mine.
Anxiety/panic disorder or heart disease?
Q: My grandmother on my father’s side dropped dead at 40 while anging clothes from a massive heart attack with no previous signs.My grandfather (also father’s side) had bypass surgery after a heart attack when he was fifty and numerous surgeries since then (he’s now 70).My father had his first heart attack when he was 32, then has had bypass surgery 4 times since then, twelve years ago (inlcuding quadruple bypass).On my mom’s side nobody ever has heart disease (except my aunt who has slow heart rate and a weak heart).I am 22 years old, have already had two children (preeclampsia with both). I am very overweight, weiging 270 lbs. for the last 2 years. My BP is good (avg. 130/73), and so is my cholesterol (total is below 200 level, but my good is a little low and my bad is a little high). I have very fast resting pulse, and occasionally my heart will skip beats (like a record skipping). Also, random sharp stabbing chest pain.Even though I’m young, could I have heart disease, or could it be from my severe panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder? I know I need to lose weight (WORKING ON IT), but what are the chances my heart is “bad” or that I am in danger because of it? Thanks for any help!!!Is this anxiety/panic/PTSD related?Could it be heart disease?Does my age mean anything regarding risk factors for heart disease?
A: As I work in the medical field, I find that heart disease does not depend on your age. We have hypertension in children (rarely), but we have seen it. The contributing factors are weight, cholesterol, family history and of course your overall health. I would not recommend you fear heart disease, thus giving yourself panic attacks, however I do recommend you speak to your doctor about this and see if he can give you a “baseline” for your BP (blod pressure). Your doctor may order an EKG as well. Always remember to keep away from fatty foods, no fast foods, eat plenty of fruits and veggies get plenty of excercise and control your weight. And have regular check ups. This is the best you can do. So call your doctor for an initial check up. Good luck, and God Bless.
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