What disease is a possible complication of measles and what part of the body does it affect

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What disease is a possible complication of measles and what part of the body does it affect”,you can compare them.

Encephalitis is one possible complication of measles. About 1 in 1,000 people with measles develops encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain that may cause vomiting, convulsions and, rarely, coma or even death. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-disease-is-a-possible-complication-of-measles-and-what-part-of-the-body-does-it-affect ]
More Answers to “What disease is a possible complication of measles and what part of the body does it affect
What body systems do measles affect?
When you have measles you don’t die instantly. You will break out in rashes, you will have fever, and after a few days, the fever will go away. Also, after about 4-5 days, the rash will go away in the order that it came. Measles can be fata…
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