What diseases are caused by over consumption of carbohydrates

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Complex carbs are harder to digest in the body and if carbs aren’t used, or if you have too many carbs in your system that your body doesn’t need, you run the risk of storing the carbs as fat. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-diseases-are-caused-by-over-consumption-of-carbohydrates ]
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What diseases are caused by over consumption of carbohydrates?
Complex carbs are harder to digest in the body and if carbs aren’t used, or if you have too many carbs in your system that your body doesn’t need, you run the risk of storing the carbs as fat. ChaCha!

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Breast cancer is linked to bad childhood diet, study reveals?
Q: Breast cancer is linked to bad childhood diet, study revealsBy Daily Mail ReporterLast updated at 11:36 AM on 15th March 2009 * Comments (0) * Add to My StoriesKylie MinogueSinger Kylie Minogue battled with breast cancerDiet and the amount of exercise young girls take can determine their risk of breast cancer in later life, a study reveals.The report, Nutrition in Children and Breast Cancer Childhood, analysed 1,146 girls from birth to age 13 and linked obesity and lack of exercise to an increased risk of breast cancer.The findings led to calls for parents to protect their daughters from the disease by ensuring they stay active and slim.Research was led by Professor Jaak Janssens, president of the European Cancer Prevention Organization, in Hasselt, Belgium. Professor Janssens and his team studied medical reports, which show a well-established link between early puberty and breast development and later breast cancer risk. His report analysed the girls in his group to see what factors, including nutrition influenced early puberty development. The report suggests: ‘Further research should focus on nutrition in children and breast cancer risk to prevent the disease.’It said: ‘Childhood obesity, lack of physical activity, high glycemic (processed) carbohydrate consumption,’ were among the “strongest determinants influencing the onset of puberty.’Professor Florian Strasser, Scientific Chair of the conference for the European Society for Medical Oncology, where the study will be presented next week, told the Sunday Express: ‘This could become a big public health issue.’If this is proved we have even bigger grounds to go into schools and preschools and encourage more sports and healthier eating.’The report also highlights a link between the disease and exposure to ‘gender-bending’ chemicals in childhood.It said: ‘Breast cancer seems to originate almost entirely in childhood. The breast is most vulnerable at the very onset of development.’The report suggests: ‘Further research should focus on nutrition in children and breast cancer risk to prevent the disease.’ It also revealed a history of glandular fever might also have an influence on later risk, citing ‘exposure to oestrogens’ found in plastic babies’ bottles and plastic toys as another risk factor. Prof Strasser, head of palliative cancer medicine at Cantonal Hospital, St Gallen, Switzerland, added: ‘We know breast cancer is associated with obesity and a lack of physical activity.’This shows these factors are related to early puberty which is also a risk factor.’Dr Leslie Walker, director of information for Cancer Research UK said: ‘We are already worried about rising rates of obesity and unhealthy lifestyle in children. This study shows the negative aspects of our affluence in potentially influencing breast cancer risk.’It highlights the importance of ensuring our children don’t over eat and get plenty of exercise.’Another recent report from the U.S. shows girls who are overweight at the age of three risk reaching puberty as early as nine years old. The research, published in the journal Paediatrics, also suggests childhood obesity is causing the trend of earlier puberty in girls.The ‘normal’ age for a girl to reach puberty has dropped from late teens to early teens in the last century. One theory is that puberty is triggered by the hormone leptin, which is produced by fat tissue. Helen Crocker, research dietician at University College London, said: ‘In our clinics we are seeing girls of seven, eight and nine who are starting their periods and going through puberty. It can be distressing for them.’About 44,000 people in the UK each year are diagnosed with breast cancer. Celebrities who have battled the disease include singer Kylie Minogue.Other factors said to influence a woman’s risk are genetic factors, changes in hormones and whether a woman breastfed. The Zurich conference on cancer and nutrition will also examine the link between the disease and hormones fed to beef and the benefits of green tea in reducing risk.
A: I don’t know what your question is. I don’t see a question.?I agree with the study that nutrition plays a big part in whether or not anyone will get any kind of cancer.Did you know that one of the deficiencies that is linked to breast cancer is “iodine deficiency”?In fact more than 90% of us are deficient in iodine.I just received and started reading the book, “Iodine, Why You Need It. Why You Can’t Live Without It” by David Brownstein, M.D.If this interests you then I recommend getting a copy for yourself.http://www.amazon.com/Iodine-Without-Brownstein-Bottle-Fashioned/product-reviews/B000I2MMSI/ref=cm_cr_dp_all_helpful?ie=UTF8&coliid=&showViewpoints=1&colid=&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescendinghttp://www.breastcancerchoices.org/iodine.htmlIt could well be that the bad diet the study refers to involves eating foods that are iodine deficient and foods that contain bromine/bromide.According to http://www.breastcancerchoices.org/bromidedominancetheory.htmlPotassium bromate as an additive to most commercial bread and bakedgoods probably provides the most egregious contribution to bromide overloadin Western cultures.Bromated flour is product “enriched” with potassium bromate. Somecommercial bakers claim they use bromated flour because it yieldsdependable results, and it makes more elastic dough which can stand up tobread hooks and other commercial baking tools. (22) However, PepperidgeFarm manages to use only unbromated flour with excellent results.NOTE ON BANNING POTASSIUM BROMATE IN BREAD:The UK banned bromate in bread in 1990.Canada banned bromate in bread in 1994. (23)Proposal P230 in Australia: Food Regulation Ministerial Council (FSANZ) stillhas not finalized its July 2007 proposal to mandate iodized salt in breads,breakfast cereals and biscuits.Back in 1999, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the FDAto prohibit the use of potassium bromate, charging that the FDA has knownfor years that bromate causes cancer in lab animals, but has failed to ban it.(24) As of September 2007, the US FDA responded to Breast Cancer Choicesinquiry with the statement, ” Potassium Bromate is still listed as a safeadditive……………………..Bromine/bromide blocks to receptors needed to absorb iodine. Many years ago iodine/iodide was added to bread but not anymore. The rda for iodine is a mere 150 mcg when evidence indicates we need much much more. The average Japanese woman consumes over 13 mg a day. [1000 mcg = 1 mg] Japanese have a much lower incidence of breast cancer.Read the book.
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