What do you do when your a marine biologist

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Marine Biologists study origins, behavior, diseases, genetics, life processes of animals and wildlife of the marine environment [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-do-when-your-a-marine-biologist ]
More Answers to “What do you do when your a marine biologist
What do you do when your a marine biologist
Marine Biologists study origins, behavior, diseases, genetics, life processes of animals and wildlife of the marine environment
How much does a marine biologist make?
Marine biologists make about $50,000 dollars and never more than $80,000. People go into this field because they love the work, not because they love the money.
How much do marine biologist get paid?
The average is about $45,000 per year. The low end is about $39,000 and high around $60,000. The amount you make really depends on your experience and location of work.

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What do you do when your a marine biologist?
Q: Ive been thinking of going to college for marine biology im only a fresham in high school and i know i have a lot to think about. I know somethings about Marie biology but i would like to know more about it cause it seems interesting. ~thank you 😀
A: Here’s a very good introduction to the subject and advice for students from a marine bio professor.http://life.bio.sunysb.edu/marinebio/becoming.html
What sorts of things might your job entail if you’re a marine biologist? Zoologist?
Q: I’m trying to decide what I want to study when I go off to school. I was thinking about becoming a marine biologist or zoologist. I would love to work with and study animals, but as far as a “job” goes, what sorts of things do they do? I would like to know all my options.
A: Jobs in both fields can be incredibly variable because the fields are just so diverse.For a start though it’s now what people associate with it! A lot of people think marine biology=marine mammals; dolphins, whales, seals…This is a misnomer, it’s not actually like that. A few marine biologists do study marine mammals but that is a tiny minority. The same way zoology does not neccessarily mean working with primates, big cats or wolves.Let’s start with marine biology, what exactly you end up doing once you have your degree depends heavily on the field you choose.You could spend the day processing water samples in the lab and counting algal cells under a microscope (for example if you study red tide), you could be analysing tissue samples to find out contaminant levels in different species of marine animals, you could be teaching at a university, you could be patrolling beaches for sea turtle nests, you could be cleaning out aquarium tanks, you could be involved in an environmental impact assessment, you could be devising a new plan to protect coastal communities, you could be writing grant proposals and meeting with potential sponsors, you could be on the computer doing research and reading up on papers relevant to your own research, you could be statistically analysing your data and writing up the results, you could be on the shore measuring algae fronds or setting up quadrants to study inter-tidal communities, you could be on the beach digging holes to obtain samples from deeper layers to assess the population of interstitial microfauna, you could be taking blood from crabs to determine hormone levels, you could be out on the boat doing research and experiments; for example fishing and evaluating the catch, or taking plankton samples- in short there is a lot of things you could be doing, from complete desk jobs to research jobs out at sea.It should be noted however that desk jobs usually greaty outweigh actual field and research jobs and it may not be able to always ‘choose’ what you want to do, you can work to go into a certain direction but you may need to make compromises and work some jobs you are not too keen on in order to get to those you really want. Marine biology jobs are highly competitive so if you get considered for one it would be a bad idea to turn it down!http://www.career-descriptions.co.uk/marine-biologist-career-description.htmZoology is equally variabe, strictly speaking it is of course the study of living organisms however there are a lot of different aspects you could be looking at: 1. Comparative anatomy studies the structure of animals. 2. The physiology of animals is studied under various fields including anatomy and embryology 3. The common genetic and developmental mechanisms of animals and plants is studied in molecular biology, molecular genetics and developmental biology 4. Ethology is the study of animal behavior. 5. The ecology of animals is covered under behavioral ecology and other fields 6. Evolutionary biology of both animals and plants is considered in the articles on evolution, population genetics, heredity, variation, Mendelism, reproduction. 7. Systematics, cladistics, phylogenetics, phylogeography, biogeography and taxonomy classify and group species via common descent and regional associations. 8. The various taxonomically-oriented disciplines such as mammalogy, herpetology, ornithology identify and classify species, and study the structures and mechanisms specific to those groups. Entomology is the study of insects, by far the largest group of animals.http://careersadvice.direct.gov.uk/helpwithyourcareer/jobprofiles/profiles/profile611/In general for both jobs, if you want to get into research, it is advisable to take it to at least the MSc. level. You can get some jobs with BSc. level but if you’re aiming to do your own research, it is advisable to get at least a Masters. Of course that does not mean you will get a research project straight out of uni, mostly you will have to do other people’s research for a while but the chances are improved if you do have a Masters.
What Can a marine Biologist do?
Q: I know that they study the ocean’s organisms and stuff. I want to know if they can just study the organisms or if they have to study currents and stuff like that. I want to become a marine biologist but i really only want to work with the marine creatures and plants. could I do that? Also, when you get your degree and are a marine biologist, where do you go? Are there facilities to work at? could you be a marine biologist at seaworld? I don’t really know what I would do after I got my degree…please help!!!!
A: Job Characteristics:http://www.schoolnet.na/ICS/careers/marinebiology.htmlEducation and careers:http://marinebio.org/MarineBio/Careers/Answer to a similar question like yours:http://whale.wheelock.edu/archives/ask99/0357.htmlDescription | Profiles | Tasks and Duties | Job Requirements | Education | Salary | Employment Trends | Professional Societies |:http://www.oceancareers.com/2.0/job_requirements.php?career_id=15Hope one of these links will answer your questions.
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