What does a root canal do for an abscessed tooth

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To eliminate infection, the abscess may need to be drained. Achieving drainage may be done through the tooth by a procedure known as a root canal. Root canal surgery may also be recommended to remove any diseased root tissue. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-a-root-canal-do-for-an-abscessed-tooth ]
More Answers to “What does a root canal do for an abscessed tooth
What does a root canal do for an abscessed tooth
To eliminate infection, the abscess may need to be drained. Achieving drainage may be done through the tooth by a procedure known as a root canal. Root canal surgery may also be recommended to remove any diseased root tissue. ChaCha on!
How does a root canal treat an abscessed tooth?
A “root canal” is the treatment used to treat and save a tooth that is abscessed. Your dentist first will administer antibiotics to kill the bacteria causing the infection of the abscessed tooth. However, the source of the infection must st…
Can antibiotics heal an abscessed tooth enough that a root canal …?
Most likely not, as the problem with abscessed teeth is that the tooth is damaged and allowing bacteria into the pulp and root cavity. While antibiotics may clear up the infection for now, they will not prevent another infection after you a…

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Qustion about an abscess tooth and root canal?
Q: I came back from the dentist, it was only a checkup because my toothached. He said I need some work done, including I have 1 abscess tooth. My parents do not want to pay for the root canal, and are only going to have a filling. There is nothing I could do about that, untill I wait a year so I could go to egypt next summer where it is cheap their. My question is, would it be ok to wait that long? What will happen to the infection, will it spread to my body? How long does it usually take an infection to spread from the tooth to the jaw bone, and then eventually to the brain, heart or lungs? And what would be some of the signs that would tell me that it is happening.Will the filling do anything? I know i need to either get a root canal or extract the tooth, but neither of that is possible since we dont have insurance or anything.I just want these questions answerd.Thanks.My parents do not understand this. They think that my body will fight it off as a regular infection and everything will be ok. They are willing to do nothing about it, even after the dentist said I have an abscess and I need a root canal. What should I do?
A: ok I have a question for you, does it not hurt like hell. I had a abcess a few months ago and it was the worst pain in the world. But back to you. You can get the abcess drained, and if you opt not to have a root canal you may not be able to save your tooth. I have had 8 root canals and 3 abcesses.
How do I talk a dentist into extracting my abscessed tooth instead of pushing for a root canal?
Q: abscessed top back molar been infected for over 3 years. Been to dentist after dentist who refuses to extract it. They want to give me a root canal instead. So for 3 years the only positive thing I got out of any dentist was prescribed antibiotics and surgically draining the abscess. Very frustrating dentist are out for the money instead of patient wishes! So what do I do pretend no insurance or try to find a dentist from Mexico who will extract it?
A: You cannot be forced into any treatment nor can you be denied any reasonable treatment. If you tell a dentist that you cannot afford a root canal and cannot be taking antibiotics, and you want to have the tooth removed, I’m sure you will find a dentist that would do the extraction. good luck.
Does this mean I have an abscessed tooth?
Q: If the gum lining around the tooth is swollen, and kind of hurts, is that an abscess? I have to get a root canal tomorrow. I am so scared that I want to throw up. I am a wuss. Yea, thats right, a wuss. So, I put this off for too long, and now its all swollen. What else could it be?
A: I hate you have to go through that. If that tooth is hurting and you are already going to get a root canal on that same tooth, then it is abscessed. Ask your doctor if he has any nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to help relax you.
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