What happens if you inhale too much dust

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens if you inhale too much dust”,you can compare them.

If you inhale a small amount of Asbestos in short time, then the risk is very small. Actually, most of the people who inhale Asbestos won’t develop any disease. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-inhale-too-much-dust ]
More Answers to “What happens if you inhale too much dust
What happens if you inhale too much dust
If you inhale a small amount of Asbestos in short time, then the risk is very small. Actually, most of the people who inhale Asbestos won’t develop any disease.
In my last article I wrote about the deplorable condition of the highway fronting the Catherina Cittadini/Don Bosco compound. I ranted and raved over the horrendous traffic clog up caused by the unfinished roads. Needless to say, this situa…
What happens if you inhale a small amount of dust froman energy s…?
All Fluorescent lights, including Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs, contain a small amount of mercury, which is a cumulative toxin. That means it builds up in your body and stays around for decades. So, I wouldn’t make a habit of it. See lin…

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the first few pages of my book…what do u think?
Q: so i took out whatever ppl called an “infodump.” i’m thinking it may confuse some people now, no? what do you think?CHAPTER 1Rain Foriei clenched her teeth, breathing short, quick gasps. Her eyes darted side to side, searching for her pursuer as the horse she borrowed from her father stumbled beneath her.The sky darkened and in the distance rumbled a nearing thunder, sounding more like an army of rushing war horses.“Is he still coming?” She murmured to herself as she often did, realizing that she no longer sensed the man’s presence. The horse nervously bobbed his head, nearly causing her to lose the reins. “Settle down, boy. I think he’s gone.”Why would anyone want to come after me? That’s the second man this week.Rain closed her eyes for a moment, willing her heart to calm and breaths to slow. After a moment, she studied her surroundings.“I’m exactly where I wanted to be,” she spoke to the horse with a huff. “Might as well do what I came to do if no one’s following me anymore. I’d rather not take another trip down here any time soon. What do you say, Mino?”The horse responded with his own puff of air, putting a smile on Rain’s face. She rubbed her cheek with her shoulder, soaking up the droplets that tickled her cheeks, not sure whether they were sweat or rainwater.“Let’s make this quick. If I miss another lesson, Aglahr will never show me his secret.”Mino took steady strides across the field. His legs were long so even a steady pace would quickly get Rain where she needed to be.As they neared the stable where they were heading, a strange creak was heard below them. Rain looked over her side, past Mino‘s.It’s just earth, she thought.Another groaning creak.A sudden anxiety overtook her as Mino took another step.Oh no…Not a second later, the ground suddenly cracked and slumped at least a foot.Mino froze.The groaning swelled then cracked again. Rain realized what was happening and gave Mino a swift kick to his side when the floor began to rupture and come out beneath them. The horse’s hind legs flailed as he scraped the remaining earth with his front hooves in an attempt to escape the fall. Rain tried to hold onto the horse’s saddle but found it difficult as it was slick with water. Looking over her shoulder into the opening below, she guessed it would be at least an eight foot fall. There was water though the depth was unknown.One of Mino’s rear hooves caught a sturdier plank of wood, giving him the support to lift his behind out of the hole but when he jerked forward, Rain lost her grip and fell into the pit.It felt as if her stomach rose to her throat making it hard to scream as she dropped. She landed on her feet at first but the weight proved too much as she dropped again to her rear, bumping her head on a plank behind her. To top it all off, another large beam dropped onto her lap, trapping her leg underneath.With a clench of her teeth, she stifled another scream.A dense cloud of dust floated and tickled Rain’s nostrils sending her into a coughing spell. With each gasp, she inhaled a mouthful of more dust, leaving her with a unpleasant taste.When all had finally calmed, she looked up at the gray skies through the new hole she had created.“Mino?” she called up to the horse.Rain heard the shuffling of hooves in the dirt then sighed in relief as the silhouette of his head peered down to her.“Thank God you‘re alright,” she murmured. “Father would kill me if you were hurt.”All attention had quickly gone to a sharp pain in Rain’s leg. With a deep breath, she slid her hands under the overlying beam and pushed with her chest.A lot of effort but to no avail. The beam was heavy and Rain’s arms were already sore from trying to hold onto Mino before her fall.What was I thinking? she asked herself. Peering through the darkness, she quickly took notice of the waters’ rising level. The rain was in a constant downpour above her.“Help! Someone, please help me!” Her voice ricocheted off the surrounding walls leaving her feeling hopeless.“No one’s ever going to hear me down here.”Trying once more to move the beam, her leg protested with a throb of pain. Rain slumped as she realized the unlikelihood of escaping alone. Not a moment later, something trickled down her calf. Taking her first two fingers, she slid it between her leg and the beam bringing them out wet in warm blood.What am I going to do?With every moment that passed, Rain would assess the rising water, estimating how much time would be left for her to escape; or until her watery death.“I can’t die like this,” she spoke to no one in particular. “I’m only eighteen or will be soon, anyway. My friends deserve the opportunity to watch me exaggerate surprise at the celebration!”The water was now waist deep. With a moan, she continually strived to move the beam from her leg, her mind racing between the man who chased her and her family who no doubt took noticeof her absence by now.————Y.A.others have said the same about the name. its her middle name in the story, Caelum being her first. I may just end up changing it to her using her first name…as much as I have personal reasons for keeping it Rain, lol if that will move things along, i will do what i gotta do. thanks 🙂
A: A lot of young authors have trouble propelling the action forward, but you’ve managed to do it. I can’t catch any really big grammatical errors, so that’s good. The only thing I have a problem with is that name..Rain..it sounds so cliche that I don’t want to take this seriously, so some people would think that too. And it’s a shame, because this is so good! I like the name, its very pretty and romantic and fresh, but I think a write such as you could do better. Also, no matter what anyone (me) says or what you think, Revise harshly twice. It helps. : )
the beginning of my book?
Q: so i took out whatever ppl called an “infodump.” i’m thinking it may confuse some people now, no? what do you think?CHAPTER 1Rain Foriei clenched her teeth, breathing short, quick gasps. Her eyes darted side to side, searching for her pursuer as the horse she borrowed from her father stumbled beneath her.The sky darkened and in the distance rumbled a nearing thunder, sounding more like an army of rushing war horses.“Is he still coming?” She murmured to herself as she often did, realizing that she no longer sensed the man’s presence. The horse nervously bobbed his head, nearly causing her to lose the reins. “Settle down, boy. I think he’s gone.”Why would anyone want to come after me? That’s the second man this week.Rain closed her eyes for a moment, willing her heart to calm and breaths to slow. After a moment, she studied her surroundings.“I’m exactly where I wanted to be,” she spoke to the horse with a huff. “Might as well do what I came to do if no one’s following me anymore. I’d rather not take another trip down here any time soon. What do you say, Mino?”The horse responded with his own puff of air, putting a smile on Rain’s face. She rubbed her cheek with her shoulder, soaking up the droplets that tickled her cheeks, not sure whether they were sweat or rainwater.“Let’s make this quick. If I miss another lesson, Aglahr will never show me his secret.”Mino took steady strides across the field. His legs were long so even a steady pace would quickly get Rain where she needed to be.As they neared the stable where they were heading, a strange creak was heard below them. Rain looked over her side, past Mino‘s.It’s just earth, she thought.Another groaning creak.A sudden anxiety overtook her as Mino took another step.Oh no…Not a second later, the ground suddenly cracked and slumped at least a foot.Mino froze.The groaning swelled then cracked again. Rain realized what was happening and gave Mino a swift kick to his side when the floor began to rupture and come out beneath them. The horse’s hind legs flailed as he scraped the remaining earth with his front hooves in an attempt to escape the fall. Rain tried to hold onto the horse’s saddle but found it difficult as it was slick with water. Looking over her shoulder into the opening below, she guessed it would be at least an eight foot fall. There was water though the depth was unknown.One of Mino’s rear hooves caught a sturdier plank of wood, giving him the support to lift his behind out of the hole but when he jerked forward, Rain lost her grip and fell into the pit.It felt as if her stomach rose to her throat making it hard to scream as she dropped. She landed on her feet at first but the weight proved too much as she dropped again to her rear, bumping her head on a plank behind her. To top it all off, another large beam dropped onto her lap, trapping her leg underneath.With a clench of her teeth, she stifled another scream.A dense cloud of dust floated and tickled Rain’s nostrils sending her into a coughing spell. With each gasp, she inhaled a mouthful of more dust, leaving her with a unpleasant taste.When all had finally calmed, she looked up at the gray skies through the new hole she had created.“Mino?” she called up to the horse.Rain heard the shuffling of hooves in the dirt then sighed in relief as the silhouette of his head peered down to her.“Thank God you‘re alright,” she murmured. “Father would kill me if you were hurt.”All attention had quickly gone to a sharp pain in Rain’s leg. With a deep breath, she slid her hands under the overlying beam and pushed with her chest.A lot of effort but to no avail. The beam was heavy and Rain’s arms were already sore from trying to hold onto Mino before her fall.What was I thinking? she asked herself. Peering through the darkness, she quickly took notice of the waters’ rising level. The rain was in a constant downpour above her.“Help! Someone, please help me!” Her voice ricocheted off the surrounding walls leaving her feeling hopeless.“No one’s ever going to hear me down here.”Trying once more to move the beam, her leg protested with a throb of pain. Rain slumped as she realized the unlikelihood of escaping alone. Not a moment later, something trickled down her calf. Taking her first two fingers, she slid it between her leg and the beam bringing them out wet in warm blood.What am I going to do?With every moment that passed, Rain would assess the rising water, estimating how much time would be left for her to escape; or until her watery death.“I can’t die like this,” she spoke to no one in particular. “I’m only eighteen or will be soon, anyway. My friends deserve the opportunity to watch me exaggerate surprise at the celebration!”The water was now waist deep. With a moan, she continually strived to move the beam from her leg, her mind racing between the man who chased her and her family who no doubt took noticeof her absence by now.its directed to y.a. readers
A: It’s not all that confusing. There are some things I would suggest tweaking though. You seem to use dialog quite a bit to explain things when it isn’t always necessary. Sometimes it sounds more natural to just state things instead of “hint hint”-ing with your characters. For example: “I can’t die like this,” she spoke to no one in particular. “I’m only eighteen or will be soon, anyway. My friends deserve the opportunity to watch me exaggerate surprise at the celebration!”This sounds a little unnatural because usually when people talk to themselves in a traumatic situation, they usually don’t decide to declare their age (which I’m guessing was your purpose). They would be more likely to be thinking about their life than talking about it. So something like this might work better:”I can’t die like this, she thought to herself. She thought of her life and how short it seemed now. Less than eighteen years is hardly anything at all…”Right here when you wrote “…searching for her pursuer as the horse she borrowed from her father stumbled beneath her.” You can just tell us that it’s her father’s horse, your readers will assume that it’s borrowed on their own. “…as her father’s horse stumbled beneath her…”During the falling scene you seemed to use a very matter-of-fact way of describing what was going on. Writing is like acting, the way you write something is the “tone of voice” for that situation. Falling is something that happens so quickly, dramatically and chaotically that it really shouldn’t be writen down like a scientific observation. The words should almost come at you as if the reader is the one falling and it’s all rushing by them.You wrote:”Rain tried to hold onto the horse’s saddle but found it difficult as it was slick with water. Looking over her shoulder into the opening below, she guessed it would be at least an eight foot fall. There was water though the depth was unknown.One of Mino’s rear hooves caught a sturdier plank of wood, giving him the support to lift his behind out of the hole but when he jerked forward, Rain lost her grip and fell into the pit.It felt as if her stomach rose to her throat making it hard to scream as she dropped. She landed on her feet at first but the weight proved too much as she dropped again to her rear, bumping her head on a plank behind her. To top it all off, another large beam dropped onto her lap, trapping her leg underneath…”Another way to write it could be:”Rain tried to hold onto the saddle but her fingers couldn’t grip the wet leather. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the gaping hole below, an eight foot drop ending in a dark pool of water. A wave of panic rushed through her veins. In his desperate struggle, Mino gained his footing, pulling himself out of danger. In the sudden movement, Rain was torn from the saddle and sent tumbling into the pit. Her stomach lunged into her throat, choking off her scream. She plummeted into a world of darkness. Her feet landed first, her legs collapsing under the weight. A jolt of pain ran through her body as her head knocked into a plank of wood. There was a loud crack as a beam came toppling down, pinning her legs under its weight…”I was a little confused during this part. In fact, I had to reread it a few times before writing my take on it, just to make sure I knew what was going on. When the ground falls beneath them you mention that they’re standing on earth but then you start metioning planks and beams without much explanation. I’m assuming that there’s either a wooden structure under the ground that fails (maybe a covered-over well) or it’s some sort of trap that gets set. Whatever it is, a little more detail might clear things up.To sum things up, just keep in mind that you don’t have to make your characters explain everything through dialog, you can use their thoughts or your description of the circumstances to “tell” us what you want us to know without making it too obvious or in your face. And lastly, don’t forget that the way you write things controls how the reader feels toward the situation or how they experience it. It’s not just what you say, it’s also HOW you say it.Good luck to you and your writing and don’t get frustrated. The more you write, the more you learn. Don’t forget to read, read, read, read, read! Experiencing other writers’ work will subconciously teach you how to improve your own.Sorry this turned out so long, I have a tendency to go on and on 🙂
Mercury’s Effects on Brain Health?
Q: My mother accidentally broke a Compact Florescent light bulb on our dinning room table three days ago (I didn’t find out until yesterday morning) and the way she disposed of it contradicts everything the EPA’s website recommends to do in such a situation. I have read the effects it can have upon the body but I am deeply concerned what long term and immediate effects this may have upon the brain. They site permanent brain damage but the EPA doesn’t go as far to say how significant it may be, nor do they have situation specifics – in ours, she dry dusted our table, where it landed on the floor and chairs and she swept it up, then vacuumed and I found fragments everywhere. So I have tried to accept the fact that it is fully through our home, and we can’t reverse this but I am terrified of brain damage. I am not one to get headaches and had I read the facts before I had them I would think that I was creating them through stress and fear, but they have been greeting me constantly before I knew the bulb had broken. And this makes me worry even more… If I am having symptoms, what must be happening to my mother’s body? I deeply concerned too of my mother’s health as she was submerged and directly touching and inhaling it as she cleaned… But too I am very concerned of the immediate and how I need so much to graduate. I fear that because I am home schooled and I spend more than 6 hours at the table the bulb shattered on, and with my headaches and lack of concentration, that they are signs of damage already taking place… I am so worried that I will fail in my studies, and I need so much to complete them and get a job… I fret too that I will be unable to reach the intellect necessary to ever possibly attend college… Does anyone know how such levels of mercury contained within one CFL bulb can effect the brain over the long term, especially when one is in constant contact with its contents? Also, is there anything that may be done in terms of lifestyle to combat the effects that may take place? Thank you so much… I hope that everyone out there is doing well… And I hope no one else is having this same issue or similar ones…
A: I have been around many in an earthquake and never had side effects. Blink, blink. : )You are going to get more mercury, or aluminum from the flu shot than that light bulb. Blink, Blink. : )Go ahead and clean it with some furniture polish or whatever.A make sure you vacuum the rug a little better if it makes you feel better.But I think you are worrying to much about just one incident.
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