What is slow metabolism syndrome

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Metabolic syndrome is a name for a group of symptoms that occur together and promote the development of coronary artery disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-slow-metabolism-syndrome ]
More Answers to “What is slow metabolism syndrome
What is slow metabolism syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a name for a group of symptoms that occur together and promote the development of coronary artery disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

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Q: Why might it do this and what is the best action to take? Cutting down on food to prevent weight gain? Is the metabolism likely to speed up again?
A: I would suggest that any weight gain that’s occurred with CFS is to do with the changed level of activity that happens to people with this condition. Energy – and so calories, are not expended so weight goes on unfortunately. As the person hopefully recovers & so gains increased mobility, the weight gain should reduce gradually. Hope this helps.
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Q: I have put on too much weight and I have Irritated Bowel Syndrome. My metabolism has slowed down due to the sale of my horse farm, depression, and age. What has worked best for losing this weight. Yes, I know, exercise, but I also have a terrible time with upper body trigger tension points and migraines. It takes so much work to make my body feel a difference, because it is use to so much hard work. When I do the needed amount to make the weight loss, I get a migraine three days later and that knocks me out, and back to ground zero. My migraines are from muscle tension, not food allergies. My stomach just plain hurts so easily. My doc has me on dicyclomine for IBS, which helps. Any ideas on weight loss? I do Activia yogurt for good bacterial cultures.
A: I BELIEVED THAT NO TWO PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTHWERE ALIKE; NO TWO PEOPLE HAVE THE SAME FINGERPRINTS, LIP PRINTS, OR VOICE PRINTS. NO TWO BLADES OF GRASS OR SNOWFLAKES ARE ALIKE. BECAUSE I FELT THAT ALL PEOPLE WERE DIFFERENT FROM ONE ANOTHER, I DID NOT THINK IT WAS LOGICAL THAT THEY SHOULD EAT THE SAME FOODS. IT BECAME CLEAR TO ME THAT SINCE EACH PERSON WAS HOUSED IN A SPECIAL BODY WITH DIFFERENT STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES AND NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS, THE ONLY WAY TO MAINTAIN HEALTH OR CURE ILLNESS WAS TO ACCOMMODATE TO THAT PARTICULAR PATIENT’S SPECIFIC NEEDS. James D’AdamoThe dynamics of weight loss are related to the changes your body makes when you follow your genetically tailored diet. There are two factors. 1) First, as your body makes the dramatic shift of eliminating foods that are poorly digested or toxic, the first thing it does is try flush out the toxins that are already there.Those toxins are mainly deposited in the fat tissue, so the process of eliminating toxins also means eliminating fat.2) The second factor is the effects that specific foods have on the bodily systems that control weight. Depending on your blood type, the lectin activity of certain foods may do the following:__ Interfere with the digestive process.__ Slow down the rate of food metabolism, so you don’t efficiently burn caloriesfor energy.__ Compromise the production of insulin.__ Upset the hormonal balance, causing water retention (oedema), thyroiddisorders and other problems.Our blood contains aeons of genetic memory–bits and pieces of specific programming, passed on from our ancestors in codes we are still attempting to comprehend. One such code rests within our blood type. Perhaps it is the most important code we can decipher in our attempt to unravel the mysteries of blood and its vital role inour existence.__ When you use the individualized characteristics of your blood type as a guide for eating and living you will be healthier, you will easily reach your ideal weight and you will slow the process of ageing.__ Your blood type is a more reliable measure of your identity than race, culture or geography. It is a genetic blueprint for who you are, a guide to how you can live most fully.-O is for Old.- Type O.”FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN”SweetcornKidney beansCabbageBrussel sproutCauliflower”FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS”Liv 52Sea foodIodized saltLiverRed meatSpinachBroccoliThe appearance of our Cro-Magnon ancestors around 40,000 BC propelled the human species to the top of the food chain, making them the most dangerous predators on earth. They began to hunt in organized packs; in a short time, they were able to make weapons and use tools. These major advances gave them strength and superiority beyond their natural physical abilities-A is for Agrarian.-__ Type A.”FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN”MeatDairy foodsKidney beansLima beansWheat”FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS”Liv 52Vegetable oilsSoya foodsVegetablesPineappleThe first immigrants, forced by the necessity of migration to adapt to a more agrarian diet and lifestyle–and a more cooperative personality to get along in crowded communities.Type A blood initially appeared somewhere in Asia or the Middle East between 25,000 and 15,000 BC in response to new environmental conditions. It emerged at the peak of the Neolithic Period, or New Stone Age, which followed the Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic period, of the Cro-Magnon hunters. Agriculture and animal domesticationwere the hallmarks of its culture.Blood Type A had mutated from Type O in response to the myriad infections provoked by an increased populace and major dietary changes.-B is for Balance.-__ Type B.”FOODS ENCOURAGEWEIGHT GAIN”LentilsSweetcornPeanutsSesame seedsBuckwheatWheat”FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS”Liv 52Green vegeMeatLamb LiverEggsThe assimilator, adapting to new climates and the mingling of populations; representing nature’s quest for a more balanced force between the tensions of the mind and the demands of the immune system.Blood Type B developed sometime between 10,000 and 15,000 BC, in the area of the Himalayan highlands–now part of Pakistan and India.Pushed from the hot, lush savannahs of eastern Africa to the cold, unyielding highlands of the Himalayas, Blood Type B may have initially mutated in response to climactic changes. It first appeared in India or the Ural region of Asia among a mix of Caucasian and Mongolian tribes. This new blood type was soon characteristic of the great tribes of steppe dwellers, who by this time dominated the Eurasian plains.__ Type AB.”FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN”Red meatKidney beansSeedsSweetcornBuckwheat”FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS”Liv 52TofuSeafoodGreen vegeDairy productsAlkaline fruitsPineapplesThe delicate offspring of a rare merger between the tolerant Type A and the formerly barbaric but more balanced Type B. -AB is for Modern.-Type AB blood is rare. Emerging from the intermingling of Type A Caucasians with Type B Mongolians, it is found in less than 5 per cent of the population, and it is the newest of the blood types.Find out how you can loose weight and stay healthy by following blood group Diet .http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight
help how to lose weight.?
Q: I gain 30 lbs for almost a year and I got problems because of it. (e.i polycystic ovarian syndrome, acne, stretchmarks, etc).and now im trying to lose weight again. I enrolled myself to gym and got a trainer but my husband doesnt want me to get a personal trainer so I didnt go at all to the gym. Now my question is what kind of exerices I should do at home or at the gym. Im wasting my money paying my monthly membership at the gym. or food(fruits/veggies) that help loose weight fast.or even vitamins/minerals/supplements that can help.I have slow metabolism and I need to loose weight as fast as I can for I’ll get married on August and I wish to be slim again on that day.thanks
A: You should go to the gym 4 days a week, alternate your days of weight lifting and cardio exercises. When I go to the gym the first thing that I do is walk the treadmill for 20-30mins at an incline. I do the abductor and adductor. I lift weights for my biceps & triceps, but I spend like 40mins on an ab machine for my stomach. I don’t lift a lot of weight with my arms. I lift a lot with for my legs and stomach. I go to a caribbean and hip-hop dance class right after I do my personal weightlifting and cardio. My friend told me I do too much but I have to do what I have to do to look the way I want…right? Have plenty of fruits and veggies to snack on. The only thing I can say I abuse is Nature Valley crispy granola bars. I buy things that I have to make from scratch. See, when you have microwavable stuff its too easy to get your hands on it and into your stomach. I don’t know if you will lose all the weight that you want by August but you will lose weight.
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