What is the disease called that a person has extremely bad breath all the time

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Gum disease is also known as periodontal disease. It causes chronic bad breath. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-disease-called-that-a-person-has-extremely-bad-breath-all-the-time ]
More Answers to “What is the disease called that a person has extremely bad breath all the time
What is the disease called that a person has extremely bad breath…?
Gum disease is also known as periodontal disease. It causes chronic bad breath. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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Crohn’s Disease… again…?
Q: Ok, although I posted once before for this specific topic, I find that I must post again. I appreciated the advice that I received, to go the emergency room. Despite my lack of health insurance, I did that, and they wouldn’t even prescribe me a steroid as simple as prednisone – after begging and giving them several samples of nothing but blood and liquid, they gave me 30 days of Sulfasalizine and Folic Acid to go with it. This would typically be ideal, but it didn’t calm down anything.Now, to be honest, I am on my laptop and writing from my anchor, the bathroom. I am out of here ten minutes tops, and in here for another twenty. Most times, I am not doing anything but plain bleeding into the toilet, and trust me – I’m a female who thinks farts are a riot and poop jokes are even funnier, but this is actually humiliating to have to ask.HELP! I originally mentioned that I have lost so much weight my hipbones were disgustingly sticking out – well, now it’s getting even worse. My boyfriend doesn’t even like to touch me, and says I look anorexic. “Eewwww, gross…” yeah, that’s something you want to hear when all you want is a reassuring hug…So, back to the whole hospital bit – when I went in there to the ER, they took my blood and told me I am extremely Anemic (I could have guessed that). They said I needed to be admitted immediately, and then when the billing person came in to ask me about insurance and all that, and found out that I have none – it was all they could do to get me out of there. Nice, right? I love American health systems (NOT)… and the people at PSU SHAC are also not helpful, because they don’t “deal with this type of stuff” and they refer me out into the community, whose patient rosters all are full, from the calls I have made.Changing courses again – I resorted to buying Prednisone off of a friend. This is illegal, and I don’t give a crap at this point. I was desperate, and I just did it earlier tonight. I WANT TO STOP BLEEDING!!! Other things I tried were starting a raw food diet (although I rarely eat anything at all because I am scared to – every time I do, I cramp 5 minutes later and don’t stop bleeding for 20), aloe water, and acidophilus pills. I am starting to get headaches, blurred vision, and I am out of breath after 5 steps. I count twice in the past week I have fainted while in the bathroom, actually, and had to have my boyfriend, who is scared spitless at this point, carry me into the bedroom.I am still in the bathroom, still writing… I’m desperate. I’m scared. I’ve been losing blood for 2 months, the hospital will not admit me when we all know I need it, and I dunno what to do. Yeah, and this is finals week – I don’t think I need to tell you how that has been going. My professors all understand, but they watch me like a criminal who is going to cheat when I leave the room.I’ll give you the things that will help again – I am 24, female, full Italian ethnicity, university student, semi-stressful lifestyle, normally very athletic when I am well. I have Anemia, Asthma, Crohn’s, Hypoglycemia, and have been formally diagnosed Fibromyalgia. Yes, I actually do have it, it wasn’t a wrong diagnosis. Trust me, I went through a million tests, and I have had VERY slight loss of bone since diagnosis.Thanks, to any and to all who help me! If you have this or know someone who does, I’m sure you know where I am coming from!Signid,DESPERATE
A: Wow, I am so sorry to hear about your situation. The American health care system disgusts me. I don’t have any advice on how to get you the proper care that you need. However…I have a little advice on what might ease the pain slightly. No raw food diet !! OWWIE when you’re flaring. You need to stick to white bland food. Rice, pasta (rice pasta is best over wheat based), potatoes. NO SAUCES/OILS. Drink broth if you can’t handle solids. NO DAIRY. Drink water if your tummy can handle it. Hot water with ginger is good. You can try veggies–broccoli, cauliflower, carrots–but they must be very steamed. I suggest only eating ONE type for a day to see if it irritates your bum. I wish I could help you. I am so sorry. Also, if you are taking prednisone on your own be VERY careful. How much are you taking? YOU CAN NOT STOP TAKING IT!!! You must now taper it. If you were to suddenly stop taking it you could die. Please be careful. I’m going to post a link for you on the bottom of this page. It is a forum for sufferers of Ulcerative Colitis. There are many of us from all over the world. I’m hoping if you post that you’ll find some Americans that will have some information for you on how to get help in your state. Please go. http://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=38&p=1&x=25&ord=ld
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