What is the disease cholera and what does it do

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Cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine, can be fatal, uncommon in industrialized countries. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-disease-cholera-and-what-does-it-do ]
More Answers to “What is the disease cholera and what does it do
What is the disease cholera and what does it do
Cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine, can be fatal, uncommon in industrialized countries.
When did you know that the disease cholera was over?
Cholera. Cholera is an infection of the small intestine caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It causes a large amount of watery diarrhea…
What causes the disease cholera?
Cholera is caused by a germ known as vibrio cholerae. This germ produces a powerful poison or endotoxin. The disease is spread by flies and water contaminated by the germs. This is a disease that inters the intestinal track. Please read the…

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Please help with English to Afrikaans translation?
Q: This is the speech that i need to be translated.Good morning to everyone. The past few weeks has certainly been very interesting. Recent overseas events such as the US elections where Barack Obama became the first African American president to the shocking news and TV coverage of the bombings in Gaza has been quite captivating. Locally the matric results and state of education has been highlighted. Politics being politics, scandals on our foremost politicians emerge daily as the opposition parties vie for power in the upcoming elections. What is of grave concern to me especially is the rapid increase of the cholera disease in South Africa. What is cholera? Cholera is a water borne disease which is found in our polluted rivers and streams. Due to poor sanitation human excrement is washed into our rivers and streams during rainy weather. Many people in the rural areas depend on this water as their life-source. The outbreak of the cholera disease in Zimbabwe has led to more than 2900 deaths and 56000 infected. Due to the influx of refugees from Zimbabwe and polluted water flowing into our rivers, cholera is spreading… fast. The cholera death toll in South Africa has already soared to 44. Health minister Barbara Hogan has declared it a national crisis. What needs to be addressed is why these conditions for cholera still exists in South Africa. The provision for portable water is all it takes to ensure communities do not fall victim to the disease. Access to clean water is our basic right.
A: I am Afrikaans speaking, this is how it should look. Note, I am not reporter so there might be better words to use in some cases.Goeie more almal. Die afgelope paar weke was beslis interessant. Huidige ontwikkelinge oorsee soos die VSA verkiessing waar Barack Obama die eerste Afrika Amerika president geword het en die skokkende nuus en TV uitsaaing van die Gaza bebommings was selfs asemrowend. Tuis hier by ons word die matriek resultate en onderwys status on die soeklig geplaas. Politiek soos politiek moet wees, bring daaglikgs skandale uit van ons grootste politieke leiers soos die opposissie partye probeer krag kry vir die toekomstige verkiesing. Wat van groot bekommernis is vir my, is die vinnige verspreiding van die kollera siekte in Suid Afrika. Wat is kollera? Kollera is a water gebore siekte wat in besoedelde wat in riviere en strome gevind kan word. As gevolg van swak sanitasie word menslike afvalstowwe afgestuur tot in ons riviere en strome op reënirige weer. Baie mense in die arm buitewyke is afhanklik van skoner water. The uitbreek van die siekte in Zimbabwe het gelei to die 2900 sterftes en 56000 wat gediagnoseer is met die siekte. As gevolg van die inkomende vlugtelinge van Zimbabwe en besoedelde water wat in ons rivier in loop, word kollera versprei… en vinnig. Die huidige kollera dooie tal in Suid Afrika is alreeds 44. Gesondheids minister Barbara Hogan het dit bekendgemaak as ‘n nasionale krisis. Wat geadresseer moet word is hoekom hierdie kondissies vir kollera nog bestaan in Suid Afrika. Water moet net versprei word na die buitewyke om seker te maak dat die mense nie siek word nie. Toegang to skoon water is ons basiese reg.
Are people aware of the serious situation regarding handling of asylum seekers and related health risks?
Q: Britain has an undertaking in both treaty and law to provide humanitarian protection to those seeking it who are from any country where their lives are in danger should they be returned. It is important to note that while NOTHING is being done to secure basic health checks and treatment for these people and whilst Zimbabwe is stricken with Cholera, that your own government is subjecting the entire country to risk of an outbreak of this and other serious diseases.Cardiff in Wales for one right now has a large number of Zimbabwean refugees mixed into the community who are not receiving attention to their basic health.The workload of care as with every dysfunctional mess in UK is handed out to privatised agencies under the titles of Welsh Refugee Council or other various impressive sounding Asylum Support Teams employed by local councils and which are heavily funded by you the british taxpayer and paid in advance. These grossly incompetent organisations are NOT delivering what they attempt to claim they are. Both the Home Office and the public are being misled blatantly lied to and much is being covered up.Where is this money going after the government has allocated it and do you realise that these failures are placing yours and everyones children and adult families in britain at risk of imported deadly diseases such as Cholera.With my personal experience to rely upon of visiting the accomodation into which only some fortunate clients are dispersed which is temporary and subject to fast turnover I can assure you the sanitation and cleanliness of these places including vermin infestations overcrowding and bad fire safety are way below acceptable. Are you aware that the Home Office is allowing your communities to be at high risks of disease fire and vermin plagues when money has been allocated to private agencies and landlords who do not care. The other question I wish to raise and focus public attention toward is what is happening to the deficits between funding being allocated by government and that being spent by these agencies ? Do you feel given what I attempt to report here that immediate action is needed regarding firstly the health scare plus a major inquiry a full review and audits into the administration of these vital services ?Would you be concerned enough about this serious situation to urge action being taken by those responsible who are paid by taxpayers money to ensure services are adequate and effective ?http://www.welshrefugeecouncil.org/contact.phphttp://www.jennywillott.co.uk/contact/http://www.cardiff.gov.uk/content.asp?Parent_Directory_id=2865&nav=2867,2904,3554,3557,4639http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/7906487.stmThis wasnt a cue for BNP empty slogan shouters. Unless of course you are willing to pick up your phone and start getting something done about the immediate serious issue. How come YOU arent aware of this matter if you’re so pro Brit.By the time you lot do anything people may well be dead. So yes.Death Awaits !! Never mind hot air. What are you going to do about it right now Brit man ?
A: wasn’t aware of this and its shocking! Do you think it gives more credence to the Welsh nationalist cause so you can manage your own affairs better, or is this as a direct result of “do-gooders” within your assembly??
changes that happened in britian 1750-1900 BRITIAN 1750-1900?
Q: BRITIAN 1750-1900Introduction: from 1750-1825 Britain was not exactly what you would call a fully developed country. But by 1900 it became fully developed.1750:Education: there were two universities in England, four in Scotland and one in Ireland. In Scotland all parishes had schools and most people could read and write. Most children in England and Wales did not go to school at all and few could read and write.Medicine and health: only simple operations on patients were possible, because there were no anesthetics. Most patients died from shock or infection.Work: the power to make machines work was provided by waterwheels, or by horses, or by human hands or feet. The most important work was farming food and wool production in particular. Steam power was used to pump water from mines.1825:Health and medicine: so many people were crowded into towns like Leeds that killer diseases such as cholera and tuberculosis spread rapidly because of infected water, dirty living conditions and poor diet. A vaccine had been developed for smallpox; there were no other vaccines because people still did not know that germs caused disease. Only simple operations were possible because there were no anesthetics. Patients often died from shock.Work: since 1750 coal and iron production had also increased by almost 10 times. Many people still worked in small workshops, but some industries were now based in factories. Farmers were growing more food than in 1750.steam power was used to drive machines in factories. The cotton industry was now bigger and more important than the wool industry.Education: Elementary schools in England and Wales provided education for the children of the poor if they wanted to attend. Many did not because they had to work instead. Most middle class and upper class boys but not many girls went to school and no new universities had been set up since 1750.1900:Work: steam power had been introduced into most industries, even in small factories and workshops. Many farmers now used machines, although the machines were still mostly horse powered. The most important industries were cola, iron, steel and textiles mostly cotton or cloth. Most industries were now based in factories.Education: many more people could read and write. School was compulsory for all five to twelve year olds for both boys and girls. There were now ten universities in England, five in Scotland, one in Ireland and one in Wales.Health and medicine: local councils began to improve water supplies and sewers to improve the health of people in towns. Louis Pasteur had discovered that germs cause diseases. This led to vaccines being developed for diphtheria and other diseases.
A: If you’re looking for a critique of what you’ve written, then I’d say you’ve covered a number of the key areas. However, you’ve not made any reference to the political developments, both on the home and international front, but I don’t know if this was included in your ‘brief’. My only real criticism would be that you avoid specifics, for example when you talk about coal production going up ’10 times’ you don’t give any other numbers to put this into any form of context, you make mention of school attendances but again give no idea of numbers, similarly when you talk about literacy rates etc. Was there any reason why you chose 75 year intervals rather than 50 year ones?Hope that helps a little.
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