What is the disease where there is water in your knees

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Underlying diseases that produce fluid buildup in the knee joint include osteoarthritis, gout and bursitis. Sounds painful! ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-disease-where-there-is-water-in-your-knees ]
More Answers to “What is the disease where there is water in your knees
What are some of the diseases associated with water in the knee??
NOT Medical Advice: If your knee joint is infected, it may cause destruction of the joint or it may extend into the bone (osteomyelitis).

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Q: 1. You see a woman collapse in front of you at the facility’s entrance. You size up the scene and check the victim for consciousness. When she does not respond, you summon EMS personnel. What should you do next? A. Check for a pulse. B. Check for signs of life(movement and breathing). C. Give 2 rescue breaths. D. Take the victim to the hospital. 2. You are summoned to the locker room where a child has collapsed. The child appears to be unconscious. After sizing up the scene and obtaining consent from the child’s parents, what should you do next? A. Check the victim for consciousness. B. Check the victim for signs of life(movement and breathing) C. Perform CPR. D. Transport the victim in your car to a hospital. 3. You come upon a scene where someone seems to be hurt. During the initial assessment, you should check for all the following EXCEPT__ A. Bleeding. B. Breathing. C. Consciousness. D. Swelling. 4. How can you best protect yourself from possible bloodborne pathogen transimission when providing care? A. Ask the victim first if he or she has any communicable diseases. B. Thoroughly wash your hands before providing care. C. Use first aid supplies, such as dressings and bandages, as a barrier when in contact with the victim. D. Use protective equipment, such as disposable gloves and a breathing barrier, when providing care. 5. The steps you follow in an emergency are performed in the following order__ A. Perform a secondary assessment, perform an initial assessment, size up the scene and summon EMS personnel. B. Perform an initial assessment, summon EMS personnel, perform a secondary assessment and size up the scene. C. Size up the scene, perform an initial assessment, summon EMS personnel and perform a secondary assessment. D. Size up the scene, summon EMS personnel, perform an initial assessment and perform a secondary assessment. 6. A person has been injured and is conscious. You obtain consent to check the victim for life-threatening conditions. What life-threatening condition would require you to immediately summon EMS personnel? A. Minor cuts and scrapes. B. Minor headache. C. Persistent chest pain. D. Swollen ankle 7. You arrive at the scene of an incident. Which of the following is included in sizing up the scene and approaching the victim? A. Checking the scene for safety. B. Determining if the victim is conscious. C. Monitoring the victim’s pulse. D. Monitoring the victim’s signs of life(movement and breathing) 8. How would you move a victim who is too large to carry or move otherwise? A. Blanket drag. B. Clothes drag. C. Foot drag. D. Walking assist 9. Four children run into each other on the deck. Child A falls to her knees and is complaining that her knee hurts. Child B falls back and hits his head on the deck and is unconscious. Child C remains standing, but his lip is bleeding slightly. Child D does not appear to have any injury. Which child should you care for first? A. Child A B. Child B C. Child C D. Child D 10. You and a patron enter the locker room and find an unconscious person lying on the floor. You size up the scene and then you begin performing an initial assessment. The patron asks, “Should we move him to the first aid room?” What should you do next? A. Help the patron move the victim to the first aid room. B. Splash the victim’s face with cold water. C. Tell the patron the victim should not be moved since there is no immediate danger. D. Tell the patron to move the victim while you get other lifeguards to help. 11. Chest compressions for an infant should be performed at a rate of__ A. About 60 compressions per minute. B. About 100 compressions per minute. C. At least 130 compressions per minute. D. Less than 90 compressions per minute. 12. You are in the lifeguard office. A patron runs in shouting that someone collapsed in the locker room. After activating your facility’s EAP, you arrive on the scene. Another patron is providing care, but he informs you he is not trained in CPR. What do you do? A. Begin gathering personal information on the victim for your report. B. Encourage the person who is providing care to continue. C. Inform the person who is providing care that you a trained lifeguard and will take over. Reassess the victim and provide appropriate care. D. Quickly move the person who is providing care out of the way and take over. 13. A 12-year-old boy at a swim meet grabs his chest and begins to make wheezing noises. After you obtain consent to provide care, his mother informs you that he has a history of asthma, but does not have his inhaler nearby. What care should you provide? A. Give 5 back blows. B. Summon EMS personnel and place the victim into a position that helps breathing. C. Tell the victim to use an in
A: Hello there, I dont intend to go through all the questions you have so kindly presented but I will offer some assistanceIn the event of someone falling and banging their head it is imperative that you check them and make sure they show signs of life, e.g. breathing, they need to breathe to sustain lifeThe other thing is never move a patient from the scene unless there is immediate danger, its best to summon medical assistance, but first you must check their ABC, A – Airway, is it blocked, put your fingers in their mouth and check for any foreign objects which may cause choking,B – Breathing, are they breathing, there isnt much point moving someone or doing anything else unless they are breathing.C – Chest compressions, start chest compressions to restart their breathing – make sure you read up on this and know how to place your hands over the victims chest though I think just recently that has been scrapped and its just a case now of pumping an adults chest with your hands best way possible to get their breathing going again.Medical questions are and can be tricky so my advice to you is check up on all of this either on the internet or presumably you have a text book, if not a good first aid book will tell you what you need to know. In the event of moving someone who is unconscious if they were in immediate danger, for example a fire or explosion then you would move them the best way you could, its better they sustain a broken bone and stay alive than be burnt to death.So to summarise, when encountering a victim on the deck the first thing to do is check for responses, you should also be aware that someone could be electructed and still attached to a live cable and if you pounce on top of them then you too could be injured or killed so theres many things to take into account. Wearing of gloves and face mask to protect against blood borne pathogens, e.g. HIVGood luck and be sure to take professional advice on this so as you get the right info,
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