What is the medical term for graves disease

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Graves disease or hyperthyroidism is the name of an autoimmune disease that causes an overactive thyroid gland. It commonly effects women aged 20-40. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-medical-term-for-graves-disease ]
More Answers to “What is the medical term for graves disease
What is the medical term for graves disease
Graves disease or hyperthyroidism is the name of an autoimmune disease that causes an overactive thyroid gland. It commonly effects women aged 20-40.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can I be kicked out of school?
Q: I’m sick with graves disease and i’m not getting any better. I’m in the second semester of grade twelve and have 3 courses. So far I think i’ve missed 2 or more weeks straight. I’ve tried to make it numerous times and they even made a deal with me to only come 3-2 times a week… I don’t know what to do, I haven’t been attending most days because I feel sick. I think my principal is losing patience with me. She said if i’m not sick enough to attend 3-2 times a week I should admit myself into a hospital. I’ve had suicidal thoughts for years before this. The hyperthyroidism has really messed with my emotional well being and physical wellness. I want to talk to my Endocrinologist but it takes like 2 weeks just to get an apointment. I don’t know if my medication is working and before that I was off it for 3 weeks. I know this is a stupid question…. Don’t flame, can they legally kick me out even if I have medical grounds for absences? I’m trying my best to go but when I don’t my parents flip out on me. Yesterday they even said I was nothing but a problem and that I should kill myself in general terms. There is center high but they wont let me consider it. What should I do?
A: If you are really sick,They shouldn’t have ANY reason or right to kick you out of school. Everyone get’s sick,And school is not the most important thing ever. Your principal is just going crazy,and just wants the money she could be earning if no one missed a day of school,[that’s why teachers always say:”It’s important not to miss school,”] blah blah blah. I think teachers are just pressuring kids too much into learning,And doing all this stuff that a lot of kid’s in America don’t want to do. Take my word,school really sucks!
Will I be kicked out of school?
Q: I’m sick with graves disease and i’m not getting any better. I’m in the second semester of grade twelve and have 3 courses. So far I think i’ve missed 2 or more weeks straight. I’ve tried to make it numerous times and they even made a deal with me to only come 3-2 times a week… I don’t know what to do, I haven’t been attending most days because I feel sick. I think my principal is losing patience with me. She said if i’m not sick enough to attend 3-2 times a week I should admit myself into a hospital. I’ve had suicidal thoughts for years before this. The hyperthyroidism has really messed with my emotional well being and physical wellness. I want to talk to my Endocrinologist but it takes like 2 weeks just to get an apointment. I don’t know if my medication is working and before that I was off it for 3 weeks. I know this is a stupid question…. Don’t flame, can they legally kick me out even if I have medical grounds for absences? I’m trying my best to go but when I don’t my parents flip out on me. Yesterday they even said I was nothing but a problem and that I should kill myself in general terms. There is center high but they wont let me consider it. What should I do?
A: Your parents arent being supportive at all and that is just so shallow of them. I really feel sorry for you because nobody is really taking you seriously or understanding ure sickness. You have the rights to not attend if you are not feeling well. The school cant force you and make you feel guilty if you are sick, oviously you will not be able to concentrate on ure work when you are going through sickness. I suggest that you calm down for now, relax your mind and take care of yourself. Dont let the school or ure unsupporting parents stress you out, i would be so angry! No i dont think the school has the rights to do that because its not FAIR to kick you out when its not ure fault!! Your sick for god sake…you can report this as discrimination you know. Mean time, try to be patient and make that appointment and see how you can get better and dont feel guilty about being sick its not ure fault at all..get well soon! i hope i helped you =).
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