What is the testosterone to estrogen level in a male

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A healthy, youthful testosterone-estrogen ratio is about 50:1. Imbalance of estrogen levels in men can lead to disease and aging. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-testosterone-to-estrogen-level-in-a-male ]
More Answers to “What is the testosterone to estrogen level in a male
What is the testosterone to estrogen level in a male
A healthy, youthful testosterone-estrogen ratio is about 50:1. Imbalance of estrogen levels in men can lead to disease and aging.
Is it low-testosterone level or high-estrogen level ??
Ask if your doctor can do a testosterone level test. It’s a simple blood test sent to the lab to determine how much testosterone you have. If needed, testosterone (gel, patch, pill or injection) can be prescribed for guys over age 18 to imp…
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Andropause — “Male menopause”: Men’s estrogen levels rise and testosterone levels drop after age 40? Thoughts?
Q: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cm5inkRIKI4&feature=channel_pageWhat do you think about this? Wait til 2:00, that’s the good part, where he touches on feminism.During menopause, women’s estrogen levels drop and their testosterone levels rise — that’s why women in their 40’s begin to have an increase of facial hair and body hair, and hair starts to thin in their scalps.So, when I turn 40, and my estrogen levels rise, will my voice get higher pitched? Will I start eating chocolate ice cream out of the pint, while watching Oprah and talking on the phone twirling on the cord and kicking my leg up in the air? Will I start to complain & whine more? Will I go on G&WS and bash men? What exactly are the effects of male menopause?The second half of the video, the doctor gives advice on how we should prevent this. Simply put, like most things in life — nutrition and exercise. We can prevent the rise in estrogen and keep our testosterone levels high if we follow his steps. I will definitely heed to his advice. Heaven forbid I become estrogen-laden and end up like some of the women on this forum.
A: You know some doctors say if a guy touches a baby his testosterone drops. I don’t know if it’s true though.I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I don’t think your the type of dude that would become girly all of a sudden.And lay off the leg kicking thing I love to do that! And chocolate! I love chocolate! LOL!!!!Just do the things that doctor said for you to do you will be fine.
Any males have low testosterone?
Q: My Wife and I are trying to get pregnant, so I just got a routine blood test to see if I had any strange illnesses or anything. Plus I am very overweight for 24 years old (6’1, 320 lbs), so I wanted to get other things checked. I also checked for lyme disease because I live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania and we are actually in the most common place for lyme disease in North America. So here were my results: Good: Cholestorol, Blood Sugar, No Diabetes, No Lyme Disease. Bad: Extremely high estrogen level, and extremely low testosterone level. I was like wtf? He found this very odd, but treatable. He prescribed a cream called “AndroGel”. He said that very low testosterone in males can cause decreased sex drive, depression, gynocamastia (enlargement of male breasts), lack of energy, and even lack of concentration. I have every single one of these symptoms. So I guess I am typing this “Question” to act more like an “Answer”. Every doctor I have ever seen has said I have depression and need to exercise. When the truth is that my extremely low testosterone is the answer to all of my problems, and I am so happy to have finally found an answer. Just wondering if anyone else out there has had blood tests and found low testosterone and what types of treatments you have had and symptoms as well.
A: i’m not on testosterone but i know a bit about it. without getting the full picture it’s possible that your obesity has caused both the increased estrogen and decreased testosterone.many people are unaware that fat cells produce estrogen and that estrogen in turn shuts down your natural production of testosterone. the good news is that this is potentially reversed by losing the fat. assuming this is the result of obesity you should exercise more, lose the fat, restore your own production of testosterone, then you may be able to stop the AndroGel and you and your wife might get pregnant. good luck!
I thought this was quite interesting, what do you think?
Q: Testosterone and fingers——————————A survey of the finger lengths of over 100 male and female academics at the University by senior Psychology lecturer Dr Mark Brosnan has found that those men teaching hard science like mathematics and physics tend to have index fingers as long as their ring fingers, a marker for unusually high estrogen levels for males.It also found the reverse: those male academics with longer ring fingers than index fingers – the usual male pattern – tended not to be in science but in social science subjects such as psychology and education.In the general population, men typically have higher levels of testosterone than women, but the male scientists at the University of Bath have lower testosterone levels than is usual for men – their estrogen and testosterone levels tend to match those of women generally.Dr. Brosnan said that men having levels of testosterone very much higher than normal for males would also create the right hemisphere dominated brain, which could help in science. The extremes of low testosterone and high testosterone for men would create the scientific brain, and the normal range in the middle would create the ‘social science’ brain.The question also arises as to why more women, who have this lower level of testosterone, are not in science, which is male-dominated, with only one in 40 science professors being a woman.The short answer is that we don’t know: the high levels of estrogen in women may act differently on the brain and not give them the spatial skills that men with similar levels of the hormone have.”The study of my colleagues at the University of Bath was also interesting in that it shows that women in social science tend to have a higher level of testosterone level relative to their estrogen level, making their brains closer to those of men in general, said Dr. Brosnan.”http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=17262357http://www.livescience.com/health/070522_finger_sats.htmlhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6W4M-4F49582-2&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=55d491864ad46a9059893a377b45d228
A: Actually Annie, scientific journals usually do use only generalisations when writing papers of this type- academic journals rarely deal in absolutes.
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