What problems did the English colonists face in the new world

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The first settlers endured the problems of hostile Indians, starvation, disease, and poor leadership and government. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-problems-did-the-english-colonists-face-in-the-new-world ]
More Answers to “What problems did the English colonists face in the new world
What struggles did english colonists face in new world?
Colonist faced alot of sruggles in the new world because they didn’t have enough clothing and the british ruled them wrongly

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what does this allow you to do ……..?
Q: I am doing a writing contest and at the last part of my paper i am stating what the Emancipation Proclamation as well as the Constitution allows you to do today. Question:What does the Emancipation as well as the Proclamation give you the freedom to do today?Details:Please don’t use the same old it allows you to go to school with the opposite race…please …i really need help with this !!and while you are at it :please read my paper and rate it feel free to give any comments or suggestionsthe paper:From Past to PresentBy Joanne OgundipeThe purpose of this paper is to examine the history of slavery and things that occurred during that time. This paper also shows how slavery influenced our world presently.Slavery in Colonial America The first record of African slavery in Colonial America occurred in 1619. A Dutch ship, The White Lion, had captured 20 enslaved Africans in a battle with a Spanish ship bound for Mexico. The Dutch ship had been damaged first by a battle and then more severely in a great storm during the late summer when it came ashore at Old Point Comfort, site of present day Fort Monroe in Virginia. The white citizens of Virginia, who had arrived from Britain, decided to treat the first Africans as indentured servants. (An indentured servant is one who came to America and was placed under a contract to work for another for a period of time.) As with European indentured servants, the Africans were freed after a stated period and given the use of land and supplies by their former owners. The major problem with indentured servants was that, by the time they were freed, they were unlikely to be prosperous. The best lands in the Tidewater region were already taken by the wealthy plantation families by 1650, and the former servants became underclass. From Indentured Servitude to Racial SlaveryThe transformation from indentured servitude to racial slavery happened gradually. However, by 1640, the court had sentenced one black servant to slavery. In 1654, John Casor, a black man, became the first legally recognized slave in the area that became the United States. A court in Northampton County ruled against Casor, declaring him owned by the black colonist Anthony Johnson. Since persons with African origins were not English citizens by birth, they were not necessarily covered by English Common Law. In 1662, Virginia passed a law stating that any children of enslaved mothers would follow her status and would automatically be a slave. The Virginia slave code defined slaves as people who were imported from nations that were not Christian, as well as Indians which were sold to colonists by other American Indians.Slavery moving westAs the nation expanded west, so did the cultivation of cotton. Studies show that an estimated 1,000,000 slaves moved west from 1790 to 1860. Most of the slaves were moved from Maryland, Virginia, and the Carolinas, and were supposed to move to Kentucky and Tennessee, but they ended up moving to the states of the Deep South: Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. This corresponded to the expansion of cotton cultivation in that region, which needed labor. Slave traders were responsible for the majority of the slaves that moved west.A slave’s lifestyleOnce the trip was over, the slaves faced a life significantly different from their experiences back east. They had harsh and backbreaking work and the inadequate nutrition, bad water, and exhaustion form both the journey and their work weakened the slaves and produced casualties. The harsh conditions increased slave resistance and led to much violence by the owners. Many slaves were new to cotton fields and unaccustomed to the “sunrise-to-sunset gang labor”. Slaves were driven much harder in the west than they were in the east when they were involved in growing tobacco or wheat. Slaves also had less time and opportunity to help the quality of their lifestyle by raising their own livestock or tending their vegetables, for either their own consumption or trade, as they could in the east.On large plantations, slave owners were authorized to whip and brutalize non-compliant slaves. Laws were passed that fined owners for not punishing recaptured runaway slaves. In addition to physical abuse and murder, slaves were at constant risk of losing members of their families if their owners decided to trade them for profit, punishment, or to pay debts. Studies shows that slaves were fed, clothed, housed, and were provided medical care in the most minimal manner. It was common to pay small bonuses during the Christmas season, and some slave owners permitted their slaves to keep earnings and gambling profits. In many households, treatment of slaves varied with the color of the slave’s skin. Darker-skinned slaves worked in the fields, while lighter-skinned worked as house servants had comparatively better clothing, food, and housing. While working on plantations and f
A: The Emancipation Proclamation doesn’t do anything for you today. Actually, it didn’t do anything for anyone when it was written. If you bother to read it, you’ll notice that it called for slaves in states NOT loyal to the Union, meaning Confederate states, to be freed, while it DID NOT free slaves in states loyal to the Union. In other words, Lincoln was “freeing” slaves in states over which he had no control, who obviously would ignore his decree, while allowing slavery to continue in states in which he actually could free them. Hmmm. Interesting, isn’t it?
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