Why does my babys poop get hard

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does my babys poop get hard”,you can compare them.

Food is usually the cause of baby constipation. But in some cases, it can be a symptom of a more serious underlying disease. If your baby isn’t gaining weight or shows any other unusual symptoms, seek the advice of a doctor. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-my-babys-poop-get-hard ]
More Answers to “Why does my babys poop get hard
When does baby’s poop get hard?
It depends on how much solids they are eating, etc. Also what look “soft” in the diaper after it has been sat on isn’t really “soft”. Trust me when you are cleaning it up off the floor or out of the bathtub it looks a lo…

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Can Roaches Come in Through the air condition vents?
Q: Here is my story, my family in i had to move to an apartment because of loss and the apartment had major roaches. Actually, my girlfriend owns the apartment, but we had to move to it and out of the suburbs. So, I painted the place good, cleaned it good, and i had to clean out all the roach poop and roach egg shells in the kitchen. Now after I did this, the roaches still kept coming. Not like scattering, but 1 roach is to many with a newborn. What i decided to do, is that, i know in a apt that you can never stop roaches from coming, no matter if u have an exterminator they will still come back. I sealed up the apt. I have spents over about 3 weeks daily with kaucking and drywall cement sealing up every and any possible way into the place. As of today, there is absolutely no way into the house for a roach. We have spent probably 200 bucks in material, and many hours of hard work. We have never seen a roach in the master bedroom where the baby crib is, and today, thre was a roach on the babys crib? Why? How? A couple days ago, i taped up the air condition vents because it was very cold, but now it got back hot, and i had to untape them The vent is on the same wall as the babys crib. Could it have come through there? The smoke detector is on the wall right above his crib, althouogh i did not seal that up with kaucking, i did poor boric acid back there a few months ago. What do you think?
A: the answer should be no, the ac is a closed system, but there may always be the chance the duct work has a separation, though the type of roach you are dealing with is usually not found in the attic. Curious if that wall is the common wall with the neighbors, if so they may not of come from inside the vent but made their way around the vent.
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