Why should smoking be banned in resturants

Health related question in topics Dining Out .We found some answers as below for this question “Why should smoking be banned in resturants”,you can compare them.

Secondhand smoke is a known cause of cancer in humans, causes disease and premature death in children and adults who don’t smoke. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-should-smoking-be-banned-in-resturants ]
More Answers to “Why should smoking be banned in resturants
Why should smoking be banned in resturants?
There are so many reasons. Second-hand smoke is worse than first-hand. Smokers already know they’re hurting themselves, but they’re also hurting everyone around them. Kids go to restaurants too, and it can be extremely harmful to them. They…
Why is smoking banned in resturants?
Because people don’t want to be exposed to second-hand smoke. Also, smelling other people’s smoke isn’t very appetizing when you’re trying to eat.
Do you agree that smokers should be banned from smoking in restur…?
In California, all restaurants have to be non-smoking and I like it that way. Of course, though, if you go to some small towns, you will still see someone smoking because they don’t enforce the rules. They’re so afraid that their regular cu…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why should smoking be banned in resturants?
A: It’s disgusting and a health risk. It’s already banned here in Minnesota in all restaurants AND bars !!!!!!
Smoking in Restaurants????I need help i am writing a paper…………….?
Q: I am writing a persuasive paper on wheather I think smoking should be allowed in resturants or not. I am not going to say what my stand is on this issue for it is irrelavent.But i need some points i can hit on my paper, i have a few but not many, because i don’t know a whole lot about the subject. So if you could, weather you think it should be banned in resturants or not could you give me your opinion and why you think this way. Thank you and plese only serious answers.
A: generally smoking in restaurants where food is served shud be banned, and places where families and children visit, cos not only it brings a bad opnion but i creats a hell of atmosphere, smoking arounf public is a guilt, and everyone know its the spectators and standby’s r affected the most when a smoker enjoyes his smoke….but there are some restaurants where alchohol served, such places some specila ventilators and exhaust fans r fixed for the smoke to release out, inspite this also counts in air pollution but the fact is that , where drinks r served smoke is a must for some ppl….is such things get banned, ppl can enjoy a healthy atmosphere and smokers to be provided with delight places to smoke in particular.
Should the whaling ban be lifted?
Q: You may or may not know that there currently is a law set forth by the IWC(international whaling commission) which whislt banning all-out commercial whaling, it does permit a quota for the capture of certain species such as minke whales for ‘scientific purposes’.Noticeabley there are only a handful of the IWC members who want the ban lifted totally – Japan and Norway. What i cant understand is why? Im not sure about what happens in Norway but I know the Japanese consume vast amounts of fish annually, along with beef, chicken and so on. So why whale too? Whilst living in Japan 98-01, at Izakaya (resturants) i was offered Kujira (whale) more than once. Whale on the menu, whats scientific about that? i refused everytime. These mammals are endangered and it seemed Japan was using the science as a smoke screen. Locals told me that after war when they had nothing else they ate whale to help survive. However nowadays there’s a lot more food around so why? do they care? what do you think?I personally dont think the ban should be lifted, only strenthened. The whales need protecting and im sure Japan and Norway will be able to survive without hounding these creatures to extinction in the name of science!
A: it really makes me sad when anything is threatened to be extinct due to science, but the last time i visited Japan i was never offered Kujira; which i am glad. Do you think their “Whale” is a term like “dolphin” is for tuna?
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